
Hello, dear hearts.

The Church of St. Francis Xavier is located in New York City (46 W 16th St, NY 10011)

This website is not the church’s official website.

This site is a memorial to the church and St. Francis Xavier, who helped us so much during our lives. We aim to spread the word of God through His prayers, Bible verses and Bible teachings.

Welcome to FindYourPrayer.com, a sanctuary of hope and healing. My name is Emma, and if you’re on this site, you’re perhaps in search of something—guidance, relief, or even a sliver of light in a dark tunnel. I know because I’ve been there, stuck in the deepest abyss of despair, clutching for a lifeline.

I didn’t grow up in a community that embraced spirituality or even recognized the power of prayer. We lived paycheck to paycheck, and I carried the weight of the world on my young shoulders. Reality hit me with financial hardships, heartbreaks, and a devastating accident that left me questioning my purpose.

There was a night, a night so laden with desolation that it’s etched in my memory when I found myself alone in the dark—literally and emotionally. I was at the end of my rope, hopeless and adrift. My fingers, trembling with desperation, typed into the search bar, “Prayers for when you’re lost.”

What I found was a blog post that seemed almost divinely destined for me to read. It had a prayer—a prayer so simple yet so powerful that it penetrated the walls I’d built around myself. That prayer was the seed, and it took root in the barren ground of my soul.

As days turned into weeks and weeks into years, I rediscovered the power of prayer and the potential for personal transformation. It helped me turn my life around in ways I never thought possible. I started volunteering, and my passion for aiding others began to crystallize. Over time, I realized my purpose was far greater than just getting through life; it was about enriching the lives of others.

And that’s why FindYourPrayer.com exists. This is more than just a website; it’s a refuge. I’ve collected prayers that carried me through my darkest days—prayers for strength, for courage, for peace, and for love. I’ve also included resources and programs to provide a more holistic path to well-being. Because sometimes we need more than just words; we need action, community, and compassionate guidance.

You’re not alone. I’ve been where you are, and I’ve clawed my way back to the light. Now, it’s your turn. Let this be your sanctuary, where you find the prayer that speaks to your heart and sets you on the path toward healing and empowerment.

With infinite love and light,

  • Emma (Content manager)
  • Oliver (Technical support)

Thank you for being here. Welcome to FindYourPrayer.com. Your miracle is just a prayer away.