6 Calming Prayers For Mom Having Surgery

Last Updated on October 19, 2023 by Emma

The hardest news we may ever receive is that your mom isn’t well and needs surgery. Moms have a special place in our hearts. How do you pray about your mom’s surgery when it seems like you are at a loss for words?

We are so sorry that you must go through this event in your life. When your mom isn’t well it’s a reminder of how fragile life is. How beautiful it is to remember that all our lives are ultimately in God’s hands.

Even with that grounded truth, you may continue to be concerned about the different situations your mom will face. Will she be in pain? Will the doctors make good decisions? How long will this take? How will this affect her future? But God wants us to come to Him even with these questions. 

I know that pit in your stomach and the tears that just seem to surprise you every time you think of this surgery. As I drove to the hospital the sweet reminder that God is over everything, not only calmed me, but gave me hope for the future. In scripture Job also came to this conclusion after he had lost everything.

I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.” (Job 42:2 ESV)

Whether you clicked on this website because your mom is about to have surgery or a friend’s mom is, you can be comforted and given hope that God is in control. 

These five prayers below are here to help you process your thoughts before a God who longs to hear from you. They are written for you to use and even share with a friend. We hope that these prayers are just the beginning of you turning your concerns to God and allowing a deeper relationship with him to grow. We encourage you to share your prayer requests for your mom’s surgery at the end of this article, in the comments section.

Short Prayer For Your Mom’s Surgery

Lord, I pray that you make this difficult path easier for my mom as she undergoes surgery. I pray that every member of the medical staff makes great decisions and that her recovery is quick and painless.

Lord, continue to give my mom peace and rest before she enters surgery. Help her not to have any pain before going in. Allow her to rest in your Lord.

We pray all this In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer For Your Mom Before Surgery

Oh God, we pray for my mom right now as she gets ready for surgery. We pray you calm her nerves and help her remember that you ultimately are in control. Help her to turn to you in moments of weakness and receive a peace that only you can provide. 

God, we also pray for her body. We know that you can heal because we see your power to heal all throughout Scripture.  We believe that you never change and that gives of the confidence for your ability to heal and your desire to care for people.

So right now, I pray that you heal my mom, either through your miraculous powers or through the surgery she is about to have. We know you work in both ways and so we pray you heal my mom. 

Oh God, we want to also pray for my mom’s salvation. If she has surrendered her life to you, we want to give you praise right now. Praise that no matter what may happen you have her safe in your arms. Thank you for revealing to my mom that you are the only one that can save her.

Thank you for calling her to yourself and rescuing her. “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)

And Lord if she is not saved, I pray that she hears and responds to the Gospel before surgery. Lord give me the boldness to share the life-giving truth to her. The truth that Christ died on a cross for our sins and then rose again, defeating death.

And that one-day Jesus will return to live with his people for eternity. Help my mom understand that it is not by her works but it is a gift of God that she can be saved. “For by grace you have been saved through faith.

And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9). Help my mom to surrender to Christ and accept that he is Lord of her life.

Lord, continue to give my mom peace and rest before she enters surgery. Help her not to have any pain before going in. Allow her to rest in your Lord. We pray all this In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer For Your Nerves As You Wait On Your Mom’s Surgery 

Heavenly Father, we know you love us and care for us as a perfect father. It can feel so overwhelming when a loved one is facing hard medical situations. My mom has surgery coming up and the idea of this is crippling me.  

It seems so overwhelming because although death is a certainty for all of us, we don’t often think of it until situations like this. So, God help us remember that all our lives our in your hands. It is you who has numbered our days. Help me to take these anxious thoughts and turn to you. 

Lord, we have lived a selfish life rebelling against you. My mom’s surgery has reminded me how precious life is. I want to give you my life now. Thank you for sending Jesus who died for my sins. Show me now, what it looks like to live for you. Allow my life, even in these anxious moments to glorify you. 

“For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s. For to this end Christ died and lived again, that he might be Lord both of the dead and of the living. (Romans 14:8-9 ESV)

My life and my death is in your hands Lord.  Jesus, because I know you are Lord, I pledge my life to you, even in this moment of waiting for my mom’s surgery. I surrender my worry and place my trust in you. We pray all these things in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer For Your Mom’s Surgical Team

Lord, I pray for wisdom and strength for the surgical team. We know that all wisdom comes from you. 

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.” (James 1:5 ESV). 

So, we ask that you give your wisdom generously to the surgeons as they operate on my mom. Help them to make wise decisions on what needs to be done, especially if there are quick decisions that must be made. 

We also pray for the entire staff involved in the surgery. We pray for the nurses to have clear minds and willing attitudes. We pray for the staff that coordinates the details and those who clean the rooms. I pray that nothing stops them from doing the job they need to do to allow this surgery to go smoothly. 

Give everyone involved the wisdom and strength to do the job they need to do. Please show your power in this way. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer For My Mom During Surgery

God, my mom is currently in surgery. Thank you for all the steps you have already taken to get her to this point. Thank you for the diagnosis, and the doctors who have been figuring out the next steps. Thank you for the hospital we can be in right now. Thank you for the care of the staff. Thank you for giving my mom peace and strength as she prepared to go in. 

Now we pray that as she enters the room and the sights and smells of surgery become real, that you continue to give her peace. As she counts backwards and allows the medication to work in her body, We pray she rests in the comfort of knowing she is in the hands of a loving God. 

Lord, we thank you for the miracle of our bodies. God, you have created them with such beautiful and complex details. “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. (Psalm 139: 13-14) So we pray that you continue to help every part of my mom’s body to continue to work as it should during surgery. We pray that there will be no complications and that through it all we can see your work and give you the glory. 

Prayer For My Mom After Surgery

Lord, you are so good and we don’t deserve the good gifts you give to us. Thank you for bringing my mom out of surgery today. Thank you for preserving her life. Thank you for answering our prayers for peace and strength. 

You are such a great God, and we give you praise not just for the good gifts you have given us but because of who you are. You are a God who created us, knows everything about us, and yet still loves us. These are the things we remember when we are on this side of surgery. We pray we never forget these things and never stop praising your name. 

During her recovery, we pray you give her the patience and strength she needs to recover. We also pray for those that may help during her recovery, so they can be patient and loving toward my mom. We pray for continued wisdom for the following medication that may be prescribed or therapy that she will have to do. We pray for complete healing of my mom’s body. 

Heavenly Father, may this recovery be a season of her life that continues to remind her of all you have carried her through. Help her not to be discouraged during the recovery process, but instead allow it to be a time where she continues to press into her relationship with you even more. Lord, we pray that the story of her surgery will be one we share for your glory. That even an event like this will help to spread your Good News. 

We pray for mom to have strength and patience as she recovers. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Final Thoughts

When our mom goes into surgery, the experience can shake us up. It can cause us to remember how our lives, and the lives of our family, are in God’s hands. We can see that our bodies are fragile and it should cause us to cry out to God for help. 

Feeling out of control can cause of to feel overwhelmed but it’s when we turn to Jesus that we can find true peace and hope. 

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

While the need for our mom to have surgery can reveal how frail we are it should give us great confidence that we can turn to a God who is mighty to save and work in us!