12 Caring Prayers For People Who Are Homeless

Last Updated on October 19, 2023 by Emma

Many years ago when I was single, I wanted to be able to understand what homelessness felt like. I chose to live for a month without any transportation of my own, in an old storage shed that had no AC, no heat, no toilet, no sink, and no shower. I am careful to point out that I wasn’t living on the street, which is true homelessness as most people think of it. I had some type of shelter.

My purpose was to gain empathy and insight into what folks must face on a daily basis. I discovered a lot in that month that I would not have otherwise. Things like how do I get groceries back to “my space” if I’m just walking? Where could I get clean or brush my teeth? What food could I eat without having access to a refrigerator, oven or microwave? There were many other insights but you get the general idea.

Now, I find that I can pray with a true sense of compassion for people who are without a home, or lack proper housing, the displaced. You don’t have to do what I did, of course.

Later in this article, I give you some suggestions on how to focus your prayers for people who are homeless. One of the best things you can do is educate yourself about the many reasons and scenarios for why someone may be without adequate housing. Enlarge your perspective and mindset.

These 12 caring prayers for people who are homeless are here to help you as well. Use them as a tool to focus your mind and heart on the issues they face on a regular basis. Allow God to move in your heart with a deeper empathy and understanding for the homeless.

“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” ( Psalm 34.18, NIV).

I would also encourage you to make use of prayers for people who lost their home in a fire, and prayers for abandonment. You have clicked to this website and it exists to help you grow closer to God through prayer. You can search through hundreds of prayers about many different issues and scenarios you face in life.

As you continue in your journey of prayer with God, let us hear from you by commenting in the section at the bottom of this article. Keep on praying!

Short Prayer For People Who Are Homeless

Lord God, I’ve never been without a place to call home so I don’t know how to best pray for people who are homeless right now. I want to pray for their safety and protection from the weather at the very least. I pray they can get access to food and a place to wash and clean their bodies. I feel overwhelmed praying about such a big, multi-faceted problem, but I know you hear my prayer and for that I am encouraged. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

Prayer For People Who Are Homeless by Choice

Dear God, I pray for people who are homeless by choice. I’m not sure I fully understand that decision but I also don’t know what’s going on in their lives. I know that they have their reasons for making this decision, and I ask that you would be with them and help them to find the support they need.

I pray that you would give them a sense of purpose and belonging. I pray that you would help them to find a place where they feel safe and loved. And I pray that you would give them the strength to make the best choices for their future. I ask for all of this through the loving name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer For People Who Are Homeless Due To Eviction

Dear Lord God, I wish no one would be without adequate housing, but I know there are homeless people out there in our community. I want to pray specifically for people who are homeless because of eviction. I know that this is a difficult and stressful time for them, and I ask that you would be with them and help them to find a new place to live quickly.

I pray that you would give them the strength to cope with their situation. I pray that you would help them to find a place that is affordable and safe. And I ask that you would give them the hope that they will be able to rebuild their lives. May their recent eviction not prevent them from getting housing elsewhere. I pray this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, the Provider, Amen.

Prayer For People Who Are Homeless Because Of A Sudden Rent Increase

Father God, I am frustrated because I learned an out-of-state company that owns the apartment complex down the road has suddenly raised the rent for everyone by a massive amount. This is going to displace dozens and dozens of people in our city.

I want to bring those people’s situation to you. I know that this is a difficult and unexpected change, and I ask that you would be with them and help them to find a new place to live soon, one they can afford. They have no time to deal with this so I pray you remove any obstacles for them all.

Help them to cope and not spiral out. Many of them are facing homelessness by the end of the month, unless something happens. On their behalf, I bring this prayer to you through Lord Jesus, Amen.

Prayer For Unemployed Homeless People

Dear God in heaven, it saddens me to know there are people without proper housing because they don’t have a job to earn the money to pay for a place to live. I know that they are struggling to make ends meet, and I ask that you would provide them with the resources they need to find a job and get back on their feet.

I pray that you would give them the strength to keep going, even when things are tough. I pray that you would help them to find a job that is meaningful and fulfilling, and pays a decent wage. And I ask that you would give them the hope that they will be able to build a better future for themselves. Guide them where they need to be and be safe. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

Prayer For Homeless People To Be Protected From The Cold

Lord, I come to you today to pray for the homeless people who are exposed to the cold this week. I know that they are vulnerable to the elements, and I ask that you would protect them from the cold and the harm that it can cause.

I ask that you would guide them to a warm place to stay. I pray that you would provide them with food and water they need to have nutrition for their body. If they are unable to find proper shelter from the cold, then help then endure safely. May the compassion of this city be seen this week. I pray this in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer For Homeless People With Mental Illness

Lord God, I confess I don’t know as much as I think I need to about this issue, but I want to pray today for homeless people who have mental illness. I know that they are often misunderstood and marginalized, and I ask that you would show them your love and compassion in meaningful ways.

I pray that you would give them the support they need to manage their mental illness, whether it’s with community mental health offices or informed law enforcement officers. I want to ask you to help them to find a safe place to live. And I pray that you would give them the hope that they can manage their mental health with the proper medication and treatment so they can have a fulfilling life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


“Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy” (Matthew 5.7, NIV).

Prayer For Homelessness Due To Hard Breaks In Life

Dear Lord God, I am aware that for many who are without housing are in that situation simply due to hard breaks in their life. They have faced many challenges, and I ask that you would be with them and help them to overcome these obstacles. They didn’t choose this life and yet I think many may not know how to get themselves out of this massive hole of homelessness.

I pray for resources and guidance to be readily available for them, so they can have hope that their current situation is not all there is to their life. I pray they can recover and rebound to a better life with proper housing and stability. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

Prayer For Homelessness Because Of Lack Of Money

Dear God, can you provide for the homeless people who don’t have good housing or a place to live simply because they don’t have enough money? I know that they are struggling to make ends meet, even with a paying job, but with rent and utilities high, they are priced out of housing in our area. I pray that you would provide them with the resources they need to get back on their feet.

I pray that you would help them to find a better-paying job and get a place to live that they can afford. They are overwhelmed with instability and that can snowball into other difficulties. I pray this in the strong name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer For People Who Are Homeless Because Of A Natural Disaster

O Lord, with the recent hurricane hitting the coast, I know there are going to be hundreds, if not thousands of people suddenly homeless.  I’m sure this will be a devastating experience, so please surround them with your peace so they are not completely overwhelmed.

May disaster recovery teams work quickly to restore power and may insurance companies respond efficiently and with compassion so people can begin the process of rebuilding soon. In the immediate time, please help each family find a place to stay with relatives or friends or even in hotels if they can. I pray this in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer For People Who Are Homeless Because Of A Delay In Benefit Payments

Dear God, while I am thankful that I don’t live on a financial edge, I know there are many who are homeless now solely because their benefit check was delayed and they missed a rent payment. Everything went sideways quickly and now they face a difficult and uncertain time. Help them to get through this.

They are looking at an uphill climb because now they have to come up with a deposit for everything all over again and they are already living check to check. Enable them to find a way to save what they can so they can meet the financial requirements and get back into proper housing. I pray this for them through Jesus, Amen.

Prayer For People Who Are Homeless Because Of Bad Choices

Dear God, I know I have made bad choices in my life and I tried to learn from them. But I know people who are now homeless because of their bad choices. They made one faulty decision and then began making further choices that compounded the negative consequences. Now they are homeless and in a figurative dark hole without a lot of hope.

I bring them to you in prayer. I know that they have made mistakes, but I also know that you are a God of forgiveness and grace. I believe that they can come out of their circumstances with acceptance of responsibility and a lot of hard work to repair relationships and fix bad thinking.

I pray that you would forgive them for their mistakes. I pray that you would give them the strength to turn their lives around. And I pray that you would give them the hope that they can have a better future, that it is possible for them. I pray this in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Consider This

Homelessness is a complex issue that can happen for a variety of reasons, including loss of job, divorce, mental illness, addiction, and so forth. It is a difficult and often isolating experience, and it can be hard to know how to help.

I would encourage you to do some research. Find out who serves the homeless in your city and go talk with them. Let yourself be okay with not knowing so you can be open to receiving real information and not rely on worn-out stereotypes.

With this new perspective, you will find that you can pray for people who are homeless with a deeper understanding and with greater passion.

Prayer is a powerful way to show our love and support for people who are homeless. When you pray for them, you are asking God to intervene in their lives and to bring them hope and healing. You are also asking God to provide them with the resources they need to get back on their feet.

“But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him?” (1 John 3.17, ESV).

I’d like to suggest some tips to help you as you pray for people who are without proper housing at the moment.

Pray for their physical needs. This includes things like food, shelter, clothing, and medical care.
Pray for their emotional needs. This might include things like comfort, peace, safety, and hope.
Pray for their spiritual needs. You could focus on things like knowing God’s love and forgiveness, and finding a place of belonging in a community of faith.
Pray for opportunities for them to get back on their feet. This could include such things as job training, housing assistance, needed health care, and mental health treatment.
Pray for the hearts of those who are homeless. Ask God to soften their hearts and open them to his love and compassion.

When you pray for people who are homeless, you are showing them that you care about them and that you believe in their ability to overcome their circumstances. Some may need more assistance than others, but no one needs to be left alone. You are also putting your faith in God to work in their lives.

If you are interested in getting involved in helping the homeless, there are many organizations that can provide you with opportunities to do so. You can also pray for your local homeless shelters and soup kitchens, and ask God to bless their work.

Remember, every act of kindness, no matter how small, can make a difference in the life of someone who is homeless. By praying for them and by taking action to help, you can show them the love of God and make a real difference in their world. Please know that you are not alone in your prayers for the homeless. There are many people who care about them and want to help.

I invite you to share your prayer journey in the comments section below or let us know how we can pray for you. Keep on praying!