4 Gentle Prayers For Nursing Homes

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My great-grandma was in a nursing home for 9 years before she passed away. I don’t remember much about it, but I know it was an extremely challenging experience for my family. Since then, it’s been ingrained in my family to pray for those in nursing homes. My grandma has dementia and is now in … Read more

Should I Pray Before or After Reading the Bible?

It makes sense to pray when you read the Bible, but should you do it before reading, or after reading God’s Word? Reading the Bible to know more about God makes sense. Absorbing scripture to receive guidance, comfort, or wisdom also makes sense. But should we pray before we read, or after? While you can … Read more

Do You Need To Kneel When You Pray?

Prayer is a vital part of the Christian life. It is our way of communicating with God, of seeking His guidance, and offering our thanks and praise. But how do we pray? What is the proper posture for prayer? Some people believe that kneeling is the only proper way to pray because it shows obedience … Read more

8 Things That Can Happen if You Stop Praying

Being busy is often the excuse we use to put off praying. We say when life slows down we’ll start back up. Here’s the thing though, life rarely slows down. When one commitment ends, a new one begins and you eventually realize you’ve stopped praying indefinitely. The question becomes what happens if you stop praying? … Read more

Is It Okay To Use Written Prayers?

Prayer is a vital part of the Christian life. It is our way of communicating with God, sharing our hearts with Him, and seeking His guidance and help. Prayer is also very personal–it’s you communicating with God. You may sometimes be challenged to know what to pray in certain situations, especially in times of crisis.  … Read more

Does God Speak To Us Through Prayer?

In the quiet corners of churches, under the solemnity of grand cathedrals, and within the sacred confines of our private spaces, millions of souls have whispered, cried, and even shouted their prayers, seeking a connection with God. Throughout the ages, one question has persistently lingered, echoing in the hearts of the faithful: “Does God speak … Read more

8 Bedtime Prayers for Anxiety

8 bedtime prayers for

I know what it feels like to lay awake at night lost in thoughts of worry and fear. I have always known this feeling, but when my children came the feeling became so overpowering, that I spent countless hours crying for reasons I could not verbally explain. I want you to know that you are … Read more