12 Encouraging Prayers for a Better Month

Last Updated on October 19, 2023 by Emma

Hoping this month is better than the last?  Want a new month to be a new start?

These 12 encouraging prayers are set for you to use at the beginning of each month of the year.  Each month represents its own challenge, as well as its own opportunities.  While I mention general events or possible issues to pray for in each month, you are welcome to inject your own situations into each prayer.

You have visited this post in a particular month to find a prayer you could pray for a better month ahead.  I encourage you to come back each month to pray for the next month following.

As you turn the page on your calendar to a new month or scroll on your phone, it is a physical reminder that the past is gone and the future lies ahead.  We don’t have to dwell in the past, as this scripture points out:

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.  See, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland” (Isaiah 43:18-19, NIV).

A new month brings about possibilities.  What might occur this month that is positive, or encouraging, or uplifting?  Is there something in the next 30 days I can work on to improve my life, my thoughts, my relationships or my financial situation?  Can this new month I’m facing allow me to take steps out of my past, and into God’s intended future for me?

You could desire to pray for a better month because the previous 30 days have not been good.  You may want things to go better in the next four weeks.  Whatever your reason for praying about the next month on the calendar, you can rest in the peace that God is faithful to hear your prayer.  As each day arrives, God is present with you in each moment.

“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.”(Lamentations 3.22-24, NIV).

Let these 12 prayers encourage you, strengthen you, and guide you over the next 12 months.  Share them with your friends and pray them with your family.  Be sure to write your personal prayer requests at the end of this article.

Prayer for a Better January

Dear God, I’m not into making resolutions at the start of a new year, but since January starts the year, I pray to you for the month ahead.  May you guide me into new beginnings for this new month.

While this winter month is generally cold outside, I ask your Holy Spirit to warm my heart with your love.  I ask for this month to be one in which I start a yearlong journey to grow into Christlikeness.  I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer for a Better February

Lord Jesus, this may be a shorter month, but I want each day to be one in which I grow in love for you, and for others.  The holiday of love, Valentine’s, is celebrated in February.  May the holiday be a reminder to me throughout this whole month.

I want to love you with my thoughts, my physical actions, my emotions, and my spirituality.  May your love be so strong in me that my love for those around me just comes forth like breathing.  In the name of the One who is Love, Jesus, Amen.

Prayer for a Better March

Father God, as Spring begins this month, I pray for gratitude to spring up in me each day in March.  I want to choose to be grateful for how you are working in my life, Lord.

I ask for Holy Spirit to reveal to me each day your guiding hand upon me.  I ask this in Christ’s name, Amen.

Prayer for a Better April

As we celebrate Easter this month, Lord, I pray for a deeper realization of what all you did through Jesus during Holy week and Resurrection Morning.  I don’t want it to just be a rote memory–I want Easter to real to me.

It’s been a rough first part of the year, Lord, so I ask that as I focus on the actions of Jesus on my behalf, I can let go of the bitterness of the last month.  I ask this in his precious name, Amen.

Prayer for a Better May

Dear God, there’s so much happening this month, that I come to you in prayer, asking for strength and patience and rest.  Between Mother’s Day and graduations of all kinds, we’re going to be running around and I don’t want to lose sight of you, my God, in the midst of it all.

I ask for this month to go well, for me and for my family.  I humbly ask this in the name of the Son, Jesus, Amen.

Prayer for a Better June

Summer is here, God, and I pray for our air conditioner to continue to work properly.  I pray for my dad to have a good and uplifting Father’s Day.  I pray for the trip we need to take later in the month to a friend’s wedding–that we be safe as we travel to and from there.

I ask for these things in prayer, Lord, because I believe you are with us and are mindful of every aspect in our lives.  I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer for a Better July

Lord, I pray for rest during this upcoming month of July.  Things at work seem to go at a slower pace and I pray for my body and mind to receive rest each this month.  I need a mid-year reset, Lord.

I want to spend more time with my kids since they are out of school, so help me to prioritize my time better so that can happen.  I ask this in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer for a Better August

Lord, I ask for this next month to go better than the last.  I need a good August, God, please!  People may call this month the dog days of summer, but for me, it’s been anything but slow or lazy.

I have one child preparing to go off to college, another one moving up to the high school, and my spouse began a new job.  I know these are all positive things happening, but Lord, it’s a lot of transition for me all at once.

Please give me calmness and peace in the midst of this new and exciting month. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer for a Better September

Dear Jesus, thank you for a bit of cooler weather after a scorching summer.  I thank you for this new month of September, as my children return to school and I can attend to some tasks I have put off until now.

Thank you for bringing our family through the last nine months and for your provision.  I pray this in the name of Lord Jesus, Amen.

Prayer for a Better October

O Lord, I give you praise and thanks for the new month beginning tomorrow!  I enjoy October so much and am grateful we have arrived at this time of the year.  From the gorgeous autumn color in the leaves to the fall flavors in the coffee shop and bakery, I am glad we are entering into this month.

I pray for this month to be one of release and transformation, as I enter into the last quarter of the year.  In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Prayer for a Better November

Lord, I give you thanks for carrying our family through this year to November.  I pray for this month to be full of thankfulness for each member in my household.  May each of us find something each day, for which we can say, “Thank you Lord!”

I pray for the good momentum of this month to carry us through to the end of the year, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer for a Better December

Father God, what a year it has been!  And now we are about to enter a new month, and the last month of the year. As I take stock of all that has happened, I pray for Holy Spirit to bring to my mind the ways you have guided and provided each month.

Thank you God, for the hope that December offers, for the light in the darkness we celebrate this month.  In the loving name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Concluding Thoughts

Beginning each month with a prayer is a terrific habit to acquire in your journey of faith.  We invite you to return each month to pray a new prayer for each new month. In some cases, you may also find it helpful to simply pray for a better tomorrow and take things one day at a time.

Sometimes how we begin a month can help determine how the month goes.  Our mindset can provide a handy tool when obstacles arise or a problem presents itself.  We can remind ourselves of our prayer, which gives us strength.

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, that person is a new creation.  The old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 5:17, NIV).

Just as the past month is gone and cannot be reclaimed, so now we can enter into this new month with hope and confidence.  The new month has yet to be written, but we now, through prayer, have the pen in our hand.  May your prayers author a new future for you.

Please share your own prayer requests in the comments section below this article.