10 Heartfelt Prayers For The Woman I Love

Last Updated on October 19, 2023 by Emma

Your love for the woman in your life can be strengthened as you pray for her.

When is the last time you prayed for the woman you love?

Love for another can ebb and flow and it always takes some work. Real love doesn’t just happen, as love is not a noun but a verb, which means there is an action associated with it. Prayer is one of those actions.

You might be thinking that praying for the woman that you love is very personal, “Why would I want to use a prayer written by someone else?” That’s a great question and the easy answer is that these 10 heartfelt prayers are simply a useful tool.

“And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity” (Colossians 3.14, NIV).

Each prayer touches on a particular aspect of a relationship with a loved woman. You can use the prayer as written if you are at a loss for words, or modify the wording to suit your specific circumstance.

Think of these prayers as a starting point. You might also benefit from looking at prayers for reconciling a relationship, prayers for arguments in relationships, or exploring any of the other hundreds of prayers on this site.

Be open to the Spirit as you pray these prayers, and in your future prayers. Let’s move to praying!

Short Prayer For The Woman I Love

Lord God, I want to pray for the woman I love. Our love has grown with each passing year and I am so grateful for the relationship we have. I ask that you guide both of us to keep focused on each other through your grace in our lives. Thank you for the love we share because of your Son, Jesus, Amen.

Prayer For A Successful Relationship With The Woman I Love

Dear Lord, I consider myself to be blessed to have a woman that I love in my life. I ask that this relationship be successful, whatever that looks like. I don’t know if I will find a woman like her ever again, so I want this to go well.

I pray for guidance and understanding as we grow together. I ask for your help to love her fully and with unconditional acceptance. I feel that love from her and I want to give her the same. I could see this love growing and becoming a life-long relationship. Direct my steps, Lord, in the way of grace-filled love. In the name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.

Prayer About Work For The Woman I Love

God, I pray for the work of [woman’s name]. I pray that she would find fulfillment and satisfaction in her work. I pray that she would be able to use her skills and talents to make a difference in the world.

I ask that she would be surrounded by supportive colleagues and that she would be able to grow and learn in her career.  Let her be a blessing to her co-workers with her kindness and skill.

I also pray that she would be blessed financially through her work, as that can be an encouragement to her. I ask this all through Jesus, Amen.

Prayer About Faith In Jesus For The Woman I Love

Father God, I am in love with (woman’s name) and I come to you to pray for her faith in Christ. I love my wife and I pray that she would grow in her knowledge of you. I pray that she would be filled with your Spirit.

As she grows in her faith I ask that you help her to be a witness to your love to others. Enable her to be strong in her faith during difficult times. I pray that she would have a deep understanding of your grace and mercy on a regular, even daily basis. I pray this through Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, Amen.

Prayer For Trust For The Woman I Love

Dear God in Heaven, I pray for trust in my relationship with my spouse, who I love dearly. Help us to be honest with each other, even when it’s difficult. I want us to grow in our trust with each other and with you.

Help us to be open and vulnerable, and to share our deepest thoughts and feelings with each other. Help us to trust each other’s love and commitment. We want to build a strong foundation of trust in our relationship, centered on you and your love for us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer For Physical Health For The Woman I Love

God, I enter into this time of prayer to lift my wife’s physical health to you. I pray that she would be healthy in body, mind, and spirit. I pray that she would be free from illness and disease, as much as that is possible. She already has so much to deal with.

I pray that she would have the energy to do all that she wants and needs to do on a daily and weekly basis. As you keep her in good physical health, I pray that she would be able to enjoy her life to the fullest. In the name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.

Prayer For Good Communication With The Woman I Love

Dear Lord God, I pray for good communication in my relationship with the woman I love. Will you help us to be able to talk to each other openly and honestly? I want us to be able to listen to each other with respect and understanding.

I pray that you help us to resolve our conflicts peacefully and respectfully, that we can talk it out and not just isolate ourselves from each other. Help us to build a strong foundation of communication in our relationship. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

Prayer For Emotional Health For The Woman I Love

Lord God, I am in love with a special woman and bring my concerns to you for her emotional health. I pray that she would be free from anxiety, depression, and other emotional problems.  She has a lot of upheaval in her life now, so I pray for her protection in the emotional realm.

I pray that she would have a positive outlook on life. I pray that she would be able to cope with stress and challenges in a healthy way, as they seem to keep piling up on her. I ask that you help her be able to experience joy and happiness in her life. In the strong name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.

Prayer For Physical Intimacy With The Woman I Love

Dear Father God, I pray for physical intimacy in my relationship with my wife, a woman I love with all that I am. Help us to be able to express our love for each other physically in a way that is both enjoyable and fulfilling.

I want us to enjoy married love and intimacy–a true gift you have given us. Help us to be open and honest with each other about our needs and desires. Let us take advantage of the regular opportunities to share a hug, or a simple kiss.

I ask for your guidance and help as we seek to create a safe and loving space for physical intimacy. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer For Commitment With The Woman I Love

I love this woman I am married to Lord, and I want to remain committed to her. I ask that you help us both to always be faithful to each other. Help us to be honest and transparent with each other, especially when we get busy with work and life.

Help us to forgive each other when we make mistakes. Help us to build a strong foundation of trust that will last a lifetime. I don’t want to wake up one day and realize that I barely know the woman I claim to love, simply because we didn’t live out our commitment to each other. I ask this in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Consider This

As a follower of Jesus Christ, I believe that prayer is one of the most powerful tools we have. It is a way to communicate with God and ask for his guidance, protection, and blessings. When we pray for the woman we love, we are asking God to help her grow in her faith, walk in his will, and be everything he created her to be.

We can take a cue from the wisdom of the Apostle Paul when it comes to prayer:

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4.6-7, NIV).

This means that we can, and should, pray to God about everything regarding the woman in our life that we love.

When you pray for the woman you love, be specific and heartfelt. Ask God to do what only he can do. Trust that he will hear your prayers and answer them in his perfect timing.

There is no end to what you can pray for in regard to the woman you love. In addition to the prayers here in this article, I’d like to offer some specific suggestions to pray for the woman you love:

  • That she would know God’s love and forgiveness in a real way.
  • That she would grow in her faith and obedience to God.
  • That she would be filled with the Holy Spirit.
  • That she would have a strong sense of purpose in life.
  •  That she would be healthy physically, mentally, and emotionally.
  • That she would have good relationships with her family and friends.
  • That she would find a fulfilling career or calling in her life.

Prayer is a powerful tool that can bring great blessings into the life of the woman you love. I hope you have been encourage to pray for the woman you love. Prayer is a powerful way to show your love for her and to help her grow in her faith.

I invite you to share your requests and comments in the section below as you continue in your journey of prayer with God