5 Hopeful Prayers For Accepting Death

Last Updated on October 19, 2023 by Emma

Death, deep down we know that it is imminent for all of us. Yet, it’s not something we think or talk about regularly.

Some live as they will live forever. They take big risks, gather lots of toys, and selfishly live for themselves.

However, when we accept death it changes the way we live. In reality, it allows us to live more fully when we understand this truth.

We take every moment captive, we cherish the relationships we have, and we don’t store up our things or money because we know we can’t take it with us. There is freedom when we accept death.

The Apostle Paul understood this concept as he wrote:

“For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” (Philippians 1:21 ESV)

When Paul accepted that his death on this earth was the beginning of eternity with God he knew that would be greater. But it was in that acceptance of death that he could live with such purpose while on this Earth.

Perhaps, you searched for prayers about accepting death because you are nearing the end of your life, or maybe someone close to you is. Maybe you experienced something recently that has you thinking about death a lot more lately.

We hope that these prayers will help you connect with a God who knows and loves you, no matter your circumstance. We pray that you will find comfort and hope as you reach out to the God who created you and gave you life.

If you need additional prayer please comment below so we can come alongside you as you wrestle through how to accept death and loss.

Short Prayer For Accepting Death

God, help me learn how to accept death. Help me see that this life has been a preparation for eternity with you. I desire to no longer live as if I have no clue that death is coming, so that I may honor and glorify you.

God, you know why this thought is on my mind and you know the situation I am in. I have rarely thought about death except now that it is near. Help me accept it and surrender to you. I can trust you, my God who is in control.

Lord, it is especially hard to accept the death of a loved one when we don’t know his/her standing with you. So I cry out to you now, open their eyes to the love you set upon them. That they may see how they have lived a life that was in rebellion with you. Give them the humility to repent and in whatever life they have left allow their faith to reflect your glory.

God, help me accept death in a way that honors you. In Jesus’ name Amen.

Prayer For Accepting My Own Death

Dear Heavenly Father, I have a fear of my death. Somedays the fear is overwhelming and other days it is just a looming feeling of dread. Help me remember the hope that comes through Christ.

Thank you for sending your son, Jesus, who defeated death. His death and resurrection allow me to have great hope in your power to raise me to live with you for eternity.

Lord, while I have great hope for my eternity with you, I struggle with fears about the actual moment of death. I pray that it would not be painful, that I would be surrounded by those who love me, and that in all of it you are glorified.

God, I wonder if I have made enough of a mark on this world and if my life has made any difference. Help me to see the value that my life has made for your kingdom and to leave all other comparisons at the foot of the cross.

God, I know that you are my creator. You have given me breath and you are the one that is sovereign over my whole life. I rest in you alone God. I can not rest in the fleeting moments of good I have done, but in Christ alone.

As I think of my life I know that I have lived selfishly and that a rebellion of you defines most of my life. Forgive me for the times I have suppressed the knowledge that you deserve all my worship and obedience.

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth.(Romans 1:18 ESV) 

But God you are bigger than my failings.  Your grace is bigger than my wrongdoings. Thank you, God, that my wrongs will not lead to suffering and death, but because of my faith in Christ I have been declared righteous before you.

Jesus, thank you for being my champion, for defeating death, and for giving me hope that is far better than anything I could have done on my own. Human efforts will fail to fully justify ourselves before our just God. But through faith alone by grace alone, I have had hope in life and now even as I face death.

I praise you for helping me to accept my death. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer For Accepting A Believer’s Death

Most loving Heavenly Father, you hold life and death in your hands. You care for the joy we have in life and yet are with us in our grief. We long for the day when death shall be no more.

God, I ask that you fill me with hope today even as we accept the death of our brother/sister in Christ. We know that his/her life was broken, as we all are. But it was through Christ’s resurrecting power that his/her life was redeemed.

Thank you, God for always caring for him/her. Even when life was difficult and the end was hard you were always by his/her side.

God, we thank you that he/she is now home with you. Thank you for the promise of a new body that will never fail. We are overjoyed imagining him/her standing with the angels praising your name.

But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself. (Philippians 3:20-21 ESV)

We give you all the praise that his/her salvation was not based on his/her life but only in your grace through Christ’s work on the cross. It could never be snatched from his/her life. Your promises endure.

And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” (Revelation 21:3-5 ESV)

God, as we try and accept this brother/sister’s death help us to grieve in a way that honors you. Please give us your grace as we hold on to the hope that is only found in you.

God, thank you that you know each one of us. You are a personal God and you know this brother/sister who has died. We praise you that this will not be the last time we see him/her. Our relationship with him/her will continue in heaven and will not be corrupted by sin, this is a beautiful gift you have given us. We will get to actually be with them one day in your presence.

God, thank you that when death takes everything we have ever known on this earth that it has not taken their relationship with you. Death does not have the final power over our brother/sister.

So today we pray that you allow us to grieve, allow us to accept this death but then allow us to have peace and joy.

God, use this believer’s life, even in his/her death to make the gospel beautiful. We pray this in your merciful and mighty name, Amen.

Prayer For Accepting A Non-Believer’s Death

Oh God, I am grieving for my friend who is facing death. You know each of our hearts and you know this friend has defied you his/her whole life. I plead with you now that you open his/her eyes.

Throughout scripture, we see how people have not believed until you open their eyes so I plead now that you open his/her eyes, and help him/her to know you as Lord, even in these last moments of their life.

We know the devil has been at work and I pray you stop all the schemes of the evil one in this one’s life.

God, if you do not, I know you are still sovereign. I know you are still good, loving, and just. Help me to be content in knowing that you are God and I am not.

God, I am thankful that you hold the keys of death and the grave (Revelation 1:18). For you are the perfect one.

God, when I’m tempted to doubt your sovereignty and why you have allowed this pain and death into my friend’s life, help me to instead dwell on your truth. Help me to never think that I know and understand more than you.

Help me in these moments to dig deeper into my understanding of you. God, I want to know you more and never reduce you to my human understanding.

God, I pray again that you save my friend. Save him/her from the debt they could never repay. Your sovereign power to be able to redeem my friend gives me true hope and comfort.

Prayer For Accepting A Death That Seem To Come Too Soon.

God, this child of yours has died way too soon. Even as I pray those words though I am reminded of your sovereignty. You are in control and I know that your plans for this little one’s life were held in your hands. Help me to see that your timing is perfect even if it seems like within my understanding of timing it seems too soon.

God, help the parents of this little one to trust in your sovereignty. Help them to see that life is not meaningless and that there is hope in you. Their child was not random and was part of your perfect plan. Give them strength in this season when they will be tired.

God, thank you for being sovereign, it is the rock on which we can stand firm during shaky times like this.

God, I pray that those who knew this child would reevaluate their faith in you. It is the power of Christ’s resurrection that changes our lives and transforms us into who you want us to be. Death can challenge us to reevaluate things in this life and I pray that this death will ultimately bring you glory in this way.

Christ, your death not only gives us hope but a certainty of victory over death. I praise you for this certainty.

God, as I try and accept this death I come to you in both grief and hope.  Help me to grieve with hope.

But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. (1 Thessalonians 4:13)

God, as I try and accept this death I come to you in both grief and hope.  Help me to grieve with hope.

Closing Thoughts

Death is not always easy to accept. Praying to a God who loves us can help us to accept death. Scripture writes a lot about death and there is hope in these truths.

Hopefully, these prayers helped you begin a conversation with God about accepting death. We hope that you experience the freedom that comes with accepting death and God’s sovereignty over all.

Continue to seek after Him who holds our lives in his hands.