8 Encouraging Prayers For Admission Into College or University

Last Updated on October 19, 2023 by Emma

Nervous about getting admitted to college or university?  Have you considered praying about it?

Moving on to the next step in your education journey can be daunting and exciting at the same time.  Yet, you’re not quite there.  You have to apply and get accepted and find someway to pay for college or university.

We invite you to make use of these eight helpful prayers for college admission and invite God to give you peace as you pray.  You are not bound to the exact words in the prayers unless you want to use them.  Feel free to change the words as you need to in order to make the prayer fit your situation.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge,
    but fools despise wisdom and instruction” (Proverbs 1.7, NIV).

God’s word reminds us that whatever education we may pursue or receive, we would be wise to learn as much as we can about God, and truly grow in wisdom.  Praying to God about your college admission is one way to learn of God as you talk to God, and listen for God’s response.

Having applied for admission to a university many years ago, and recently helping my children do the same, I would offer a couple of pieces of advice.

First, find out the deadlines for admission documents and work your way backwards to allow yourself enough time. Second, break the process down into manageable steps in your timeline and work steadily towards the goal.

If you’re worried about your grade point average, you can pray about getting good grades. Since you’re applying for college admission, you may also want to pray about graduation.

As you pray and receive guidance, we’d like to hear about your celebrations and other prayer requests. Please share them with us in the comments section at bottom of this page.

Short Prayer About College Admission

Dear Father God, I’m worried about my college admission. I’ve been working on it, but I’m not sure I’m going to get everything in on time. Please help me manage my time well these last couple of weeks so I can have a complete packet in by the deadline. I want to go to college and this is the step I need to take. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer About Getting Admitted to University In-State

Dear God, I am in the process of applying to my favorite university here in the state I live.  I really want to get admitted and I’d love to actually go there.

I talked to my school counselor and she said it’s pretty competitive, even for a state school, so I want to do my very best with all the admission materials.  I’ve worked really hard for the last four years in high school and I hope it’s enough to get me in.

I pray for the favor of the admission staff when they see my admission packet.  I feel odd asking you about this, but my dad said that you want to hear about everything in our life, so here I am telling you this is important to me.

Where I go to get my college education is going to have some influence on my life and I want to go where I can have the best chance to grow and improve who I am.  That’s why I make this prayer to you in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer About College Admission Out-of-State

Dear Lord, I’m taking a long shot with applying to a school out of my home state, but I think I have a good chance there.  I’ve also applied to in-state schools, but I’d really like to attend this college a couple of states over because their (name the major) program is one of the best in this region of the country.

I know it would be more expensive but I believe I can earn a good number of scholarships to help cover the increased cost.  But first, I need to actually get admitted.

That’s why I’m praying to you about this.  I don’t think I can handle the pressure or stress of all of this without your comforting presence.  I’m doing my best to give the college my most excellent application for admission.  After I’ve turned it in, I’m going to have to trust you for the outcome.

If I get accepted and scholarships come through, I believe that is your guidance to go there.  Please turn me away in every way if this college is not where I’m supposed to be.  I trust you through Jesus Christ, Amen.

Prayer About Getting Admitted to College With Average Grades

Lord, I don’t know if I can even get into college with the grades I have.  I’m applying to more than one college, but my grades are just kind of average.  I’m not on any honor roll.  I’m not involved in a lot of after-school activities either, so I’m not sure about scholarships coming my way.

I know I like math and that’s the one subject I do really well in.  I’d like to go to college and learn more about math.  I’m not sure what I’d do with it, but I want to learn more.

Please help me get into college with the grades I have.  I just want to keep on going in my education after high school and I need your direction and provision.  I ask this in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer About Whether to Apply for College Admission

Dear God, I’m a little nervous about the end of high school coming up soon.  I’ve never really enjoyed being in school.  I find myself more interested in building stuff and tearing down machines to learn about how they work.

My school really pushes going to college, but I don’t think I could handle that.  I’ve heard about technical school but I don’t know much about it.  It sounds like more of what I’d enjoy learning about and doing.  Please help me find someone I can talk to about it.

I need someone who will understand my interests and not pressure me to go to college just because they think that’s the only option.  Help me see clearly, God.  In the name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.

Prayer About University Admission as a Transfer Student

Lord Jesus, I am about to finish my last semester at a junior college and I’d like to apply to the big state university as a transfer student.  I’m just not sure if they accept many transfer students.

I’ve been able to get some of the core education classes out of the way while I was working to help cover the college costs.  Now I think I’m better prepared for the actual university experience.  I pray about the appointment I have with the guidance counselor next week.  I pray that he will have the information I need.

I just want to get an actual bachelor’s degree, not just an associate’s degree.  I’ve discovered I enjoy learning and I want to continue at the university.  In the name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.

Prayer About Fear of Applying to College

Dear God in heaven, I am afraid to apply to college.  I feel so silly even praying about this.  It’s not like applying to a college can do any physical harm to me or anything.

I think I’m just afraid of getting rejected, of having the admission team tell me I didn’t get accepted.  I believe I would see that as that I’m a failure, not good enough.  I don’t want to go through that emotional roller coaster.  So, if I don’t apply for admission, then I won’t ever hear, “You didn’t make it.”

My parents keep asking me when I’m going to apply for admission and I don’t know what to tell them.  Help me to have the words to tell them what I’m feeling and help them to actually hear me and not judge me.  This whole thing is just causing me so much anxiety, I just don’t want to do anything about it.

Help me God, I pray.  Through Jesus Christ, hear my prayer, Amen.

Prayer About College Admission Essay

O God, I have one last thing to do and I’ll be done with my college admission packet. I’ve got to write the essay.  I’ve never enjoyed writing a lot, but I have to do this because the essay is mandatory for admission.

I’ve put it off until now because I didn’t want to deal with it, but I can’t put it off any longer. I’m just not feeling any inspiration about it. I don’t want to write a boring essay, but I’m not sure what to focus on in order to get the attention of the admission staff at the college.

I want to stand out, but I’m not sure how to in 750 words or less. I ask for direction on this Lord because I don’t have any on my own.  I want to be able to put my best self forward on this admission and the essay is part of it. I pray this, believing you will guide me.  Thank you Jesus, for hearing me, Amen.

Consider This

While you’re excited about finally being done with high school, if you’re headed for college, you are discovering that you’re starting at a new beginning.  And you’re also learning that there is some work to do with this new beginning.

Colleges and universities don’t just let everyone in without some vetting.  You actually have to apply and they have to accept you and admit you as a student.  This can be challenging to face and work through while you’re wanting to celebrate finishing high school.

As well, you may believe that God has a plan for you but you aren’t sure of the exact nature of it right now.  For the last 12 years, it’s been fairly mapped out for you.  Preschool led to elementary school and then you went to middle school based on where you lived.  Likely high school was done the same way. You just moved along.

But now you have a choice and some decisions to make.  Now might be a good time to make this encouragement from the Apostle Paul be your daily prayer:

Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts” (Colossians 3.16, NIV).

Invite Christ’s presence in you so you can hear God guide and direct you.  As you watch God move in your life during this college admission season, you may find yourself overflowing with gratitude!