7 Gospel Focused Prayers For Arthritis

Last Updated on October 19, 2023 by Emma

Prayer For Patience With Arthritis

Almighty God, you control the sea and yet I know you care for me. You have been so patient with me. I know I have rebelled against you and my natural state is sinful. But, you God waited patiently for me. You opened my eyes so I could see all the goodness you have for me.

I pray during this time in my life as I battle daily with arthritis that you give me patience. My pride tells me I do not deserve this pain and I get impatient. Guard me against my pride and offer me your patience.

I do not want to be short-tempered because of my pain. I do not want to grumble but I desire to be joyful. This pain makes it very difficult to do the things I want to do in life.

I want to be a good witness to your goodness so I pray that you give me patience as I struggle with arthritis.

God, thank you for being patient with me as I was rebellious against you for so long. Give me patience that comes from you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer To Praise God While Battling Arthritis

God, I praise you for who you are. You know I am struggling daily with the pain of arthritis. This pain consumes my thoughts. But I just want to praise you right now. Help me to take my mind off of arthritis and be able to think of you.

God, I praise you for creating this world. The mountain tops and breathtaking. The depths of the ocean are awe-inspiring. You created the creatures that move around this world from the tiniest of bugs to the massiveness of whales. God, I praise you for you are a great creator.

Father, you created me and I praise you for that. Even despite my pain, I can reflect on all the blessings you have given me. You have given me air to breathe and eyes to see your beauty. You have given me the opportunity for relationships and the ability to laugh.

You have given me many blessings. Help me to share with others and help those in need. I want to share your many blessings even as I struggle with this pain.

Lord, the greatest gift you have ever given me is your son. Jesus paid the price for my sin. He experienced pain beyond anything I have ever experienced. More than that He took your wrath, deserved for me, onto Himself. Oh, what a wonderful gift I will continue to praise you for.

God, I look forward to the final day, when all the saints will sing your praise. I will join in with them. I can not wait for a new and glorified body, free of the sin and pain of this world. But even more God I can not wait to be in your presence where I can praise you forevermore.

Please help me to continue to think of you throughout this day rather than the pain of my arthritis. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

Prayer Of Repentance For Anger Over Arthritis

God, I have been so angry at you because I have had to deal with arthritis for so long. The constant pain has caused me to enter into a deep place of darkness I want so desperately to get out of.

God, I don’t understand what you are doing in my life or why you have given me so much pain. You know that the plans I had for my future have all been altered because of this arthritis.

I know you are a good and loving God, but I don’t understand why you have given me this ‘thorn in my side’. It has caused me to be disconnected from others and I am so frustrated and alone.

God, I’m broken before you and I know it’s only you that can heal me from this bitterness. God, forgive me for being angry with you. I know that nothing can separate me from you.

nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.(Romans 8:39 ESV)

God, I turn to you on my good days in praise. I turn to you on my bad days with hope. Because I know that you alone have the ability to save from this hurting world. You alone can promise and provide a future body free of pain.

God, even when humans can not understand how to help me in my pain you do. So I seek you and turn from the darkness of anger. I know you care for me and I praise you for that.

Thank you for the gift of being forgiven. Help me to walk in your light. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer For Osteoarthritis

God, I know the medical community thinks there is no use in prayer for my Osteoarthritis, but I know you are wiser and more powerful than any doctor. I pray that you heal me from this disease. Release me from the bondage that this causes me.

Lord, You are mighty and can save. I pray for you to save me from this disease that has consumed my life. If it is not your will that this is removed from me until the day of glory, I pray that you give me strength to walk with confidence in you.

God, thank you for saving me from my greatest problem, sin. God, you knew I had no power to save myself, just like I have no power to cure my osteoarthritis. So you sent your son, a perfect spotless lamb to take my sins upon Himself so that I could be cleansed.

Thank you for the power of the cross, the power you demonstrated when you rose Christ from the grave. I pray that you use that same power to heal me from all my sickness. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer For Rheumatoid Arthritis

God, you are my Lord and I submit my life to you. I know you do not want me to be in this pain and that you have the power to take it from me. So today I pray that you remove this sickness that is affecting my joints.

God, I pray that you release your healing power. Your power has brought sight to the blind, healing to the sick, and even brought life back from the dead. I pray your power flows through my body.

God, I pray that if this disease is part of the evil one’s attack on my life you stop all enemy’s plans.  

God help me not to be discouraged in my faith during this time but allow it to strengthen me instead. Allow this pain you have allowed into my life to remind me of the great pain you suffered on my behalf. Help me to turn to you during this time in praise.

God, I cry out to you today, heal my body from this pain and swelling. Draw me close to you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.