6 Supportive Prayers For Domestic Abuse

Last Updated on October 19, 2023 by Emma

Domestic abuse is a painful reality that affects countless lives, leaving deep scars that are not always visible to the world. It is a heartbreaking experience that shatters trust, undermines self-worth, and robs individuals of their dignity and sense of safety. However, in the midst of this darkness, there is hope. We have the assurance of God’s nearness and His desire to bring healing and freedom to those who have suffered from domestic abuse.

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18 (NIV)

My friend, Tracy, has been on a journey of overcoming domestic abuse. For years, Tracy endured emotional and physical abuse within the confines of her marriage. The weight of fear and shame kept her locked in a cycle of pain and despair. But in the midst of her darkest moments, Tracy found the courage to reach out for help and discovered the unwavering support of friends, family, and professionals who stood by her side.

The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners. Isaiah 61:1 (NIV)

As Tracy began her journey of healing, she turned to God for strength and guidance. Through prayer and meditating on His Word, she found solace in scriptures like Psalm 34:18 and Isaiah 61:1. These verses reminded her that God was near, ready to bind up her broken heart and set her free from the chains of abuse.

Tracy’s healing process was not without its challenges. She had to confront deep-seated fears, reestablish her sense of self-worth, and learn to trust again. But through it all, she experienced the transformative power of God’s love, which brought hope and restoration to her wounded soul.

Tracy’s story serves as a reminder that no one is alone in their struggle. God is with us, ready to bind up our wounds and set us free. God is our refuge, our healer, and our liberator. He stands with the brokenhearted, offering hope, restoration, and a future filled with His abundant love.

If you or someone you love is suffering through abuse then please contact a domestic violence victim hotline. You can click this link, or look for a local hotline that can offer you support.

Short Prayer For Domestic Abuse

Heavenly Father, I come before You with a heavy heart, seeking Your divine intervention and healing touch in the midst of the domestic abuse I am facing. I lay my pain and brokenness at Your feet, trusting in Your love and mercy to bring restoration and freedom. Surround me with Your protective presence and guide me toward the resources and support I need. Give me strength, courage, and wisdom to navigate this journey toward healing. Amen.

Prayer For Verbal Abuse

Father God, the power of hurtful words weighs upon me, causing deep wounds and eroding my sense of self-worth. Lord, You see the pain that lies beneath the surface, and You understand the profound impact of verbal abuse on my spirit.

I implore You to surround me with Your unfailing love and peace, creating a shield that protects me from the harmful effects of hurtful words. Grant me the strength to rise above the negativity and find solace in Your truth and acceptance. Guide me to respond with grace and assertiveness, as I seek to establish healthy boundaries and stand up against the abuse.

Help me, dear Father, to find my identity in You alone. May Your words of love and affirmation drown out the hurtful voices that seek to tear me down. Fill me with Your wisdom and discernment, so that I may navigate this difficult journey with strength and resilience.

Lord, I also pray for the hearts and minds of my husband. Soften his heart and bring conviction, so that he may recognize the impact of his words and seek to change his hurtful ways. Grant him the opportunity for personal growth and transformation.

If his heart is too forgone then give me the strength to recognize this and break this cycle of abuse. Amen.

Prayer For Physical Abuse

Lord, I am overwhelmed by the physical abuse I endure at the hands of my husband. I cry out to You, knowing that You are a God of justice and love. I ask for Your protection and deliverance from this cycle of violence. Shield me from further harm and grant me the strength to break free from this abusive situation. Pour out Your healing power upon my body and soul, mending the wounds inflicted upon me.

Guide me to the resources and support networks that can provide safety and assistance. Surround me with compassionate and wise individuals who can help me navigate this difficult journey toward freedom and restoration.

Give me the courage to seek justice, to speak out against the abuse, and to protect myself from further harm. Grant me wisdom and discernment as I make decisions regarding my future.

Lord, I pray for the heart of my husband. Soften his heart and bring conviction, that he may recognize the wrongs he has committed and seek genuine repentance and transformation.

In the midst of this darkness, I trust in Your promise to never leave me nor forsake me. I lean on Your unfailing love and seek solace in Your presence. Help me to find peace, hope, and restoration as I journey toward a life free from abuse. Amen.

Prayer For Leaving Domestic Abuse

Heavenly Father, I come before You with a heavy heart, pouring out my pain and fear as I seek Your guidance and strength in leaving my abusive husband. You know the depths of my struggle, the tears I’ve cried in silence, and the desperation in my heart. I turn to You, the God of love and justice, who desires freedom and safety for Your children.

Lord, I humbly ask for Your protection and divine intervention as I take this courageous step. Wrap Your loving arms around me, shielding me from harm and leading me toward a place of safety and peace. Empower me with the strength and wisdom to make difficult decisions and take the necessary actions to escape the cycle of abuse.

In the midst of the confusion and uncertainty, I pray for clarity and discernment. Guide my footsteps, dear Lord, as I seek a new path for my life. Provide me with the support, resources, and opportunities I need to rebuild and start anew.

Father, please help me overcome the feelings of guilt, shame, and self-doubt that have plagued me. Remind me daily of my worth and value in Your eyes, as Your cherished and beloved child. Fill me with unwavering strength, resilience, and confidence to embrace the life of freedom and wholeness You have destined for me. Amen.

Prayer For Healing From Domestic Abuse

Lord, I stand before You as a survivor of domestic abuse. I’m grateful for the people you brought into my life and the strength I managed to find in myself to escape my abuser. I ask for Your guidance and strength to break free from the pain that this abuse has caused me.

Even though I managed to leave my abuser I still experience fear and depression. My body has healed but my soul still needs a lot of healing until I can once again trust people and grow to trust my strength once again.

Father, fill me with Your love, and compassion. Protect me and create a safe and nurturing environment where I am loved and appreciated as I and every human on earth deserve to be loved and appreciated.

Father, I thank You for listening to my deepest thoughts, for lifting the shame away from my soul, and for helping me see that no one deserves such treatment. That I deserve to be loved by you and others.

Please heal me from this traumatic past, dear Lord, and give me hope for a better tomorrow. May my healing become a testimony of Your redeeming power, and my inner strength. Amen

Prayer For My Friend’s Domestic Abuse

Father God, I am lifting up my dear friend who is trapped in the cycle of domestic abuse. I ask for Your divine intervention and healing touch in her life. You see the pain and anguish she endures, and You long to bring comfort, freedom, and restoration.

Lord, I pray for Your protection over my friend. Surround her with Your angels, creating a shield of safety around her. Give her the strength and courage to break free from the chains of abuse, guiding her to the resources and support she needs.

Please heal the wounds inflicted upon her, both physical and emotional. Pour out Your love and healing upon her spirit, restoring her sense of self-worth and empowering her to reclaim her life.

Father, I ask that You bring justice to the situation. Hold the abuser accountable for their actions. Break the cycle of violence and control, replacing it with love, respect, and reconciliation for my friend. Amen.

Final Thoughts

Friends, let us hold onto the hope and assurance that God is near to the brokenhearted, and He hears our cries for healing and freedom from domestic abuse. May we actively seek the support and resources available to us, recognizing that we are not alone in our struggles.

Let us extend empathy, compassion, and love to those who have endured such pain, standing against all forms of abuse. May our prayers and actions serve as beacons of hope, guiding individuals toward healing, restoration, and a life filled with dignity, love, and peace.

If you’re someone who experiences abuse or you have a person in your life who are currently in an abusive relationship then please contact a domestic violence victim hotline. You can click this link, or look for a local hotline that can offer you support.

I invite you to share your prayer requests or experiences related to domestic abuse in the comments below, as we seek to support and uplift one another in faith and solidarity.