6 Restorative Prayers For Lung Cancer

Last Updated on October 19, 2023 by Emma

My grandfather smoked a pipe for the better part of 50 years. He abruptly quit 5 years ago when his doctor found a spot on his lung. Luckily, he did not have lung cancer, but most heavy smokers, including his wifand e, my grandma, were not that lucky. Unfortunately, my grandma passed away from cancer, so it’s vital to pray for those with lung cancer!

A diagnosis like lung cancer comes with a wave of emotions. Oddly enough, frustration and anger were at the top of my list when my grandma was diagnosed. I was angry at her for smoking for so many years. I don’t know for sure, but I felt like she could have avoided cancer had she never smoked.

There were also times I was angry at God for letting her have lung cancer. We were very close and it was so hard to watch her suffer and pass away. However, when I wanted to be angry, Scripture convicted me,

“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires” (James 1:19-20).


In the midst of a cancer diagnosis, there’s no room for anger. Anger is not what God wants from us and it’s not going to help you or your loved one to heal. Anger only causes more division. What you need during this time is faith like the hemorrhaging woman.


She bled for 12 years and believed that if she could only touch Jesus then she would be healed. May her example inspire you to have the same hope and faith in the face of lung cancer.


I have given you 6 prayers, but feel free to customize them to your specific needs. Please leave prayer requests in the comments so we can pray with you!

Short Prayer For Lung Cancer

My God, I have lung cancer. There’s a lot of unknown that come with this diagnosis. I am worried about the sacrifices I will have to make and the things I may have to miss out on because of my treatment. I ask that if it is your will that you heal me completely and I use this time as an opportunity to grow as a disciple and glorify You, In Your Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer For A Parent With Lung Cancer

Lord, my (mom/dad has) lung cancer. This seems like some strange alternate reality that I’m living in. Cancer is something that you hear about people having. It’s hard to stay calm though in a sea of unknowns.

Honestly, I feel terrible because my first reaction to this is anger at (mom/dad). If (mom/dad) didn’t smoke for so many years then they probably wouldn’t be in this situation. It’s their own fault for getting lung cancer! I know I can’t show this anger to them in person so please help me to control it.

Help me to confidently put my trust in you. Wrap your loving arms around my (mom/dad) as (she/he) comes to terms with (his/her) diagnosis and treatment. Help (mom/dad) to feel safe and loved by You and our family during this difficult time.

The treatments can be difficult and painful so please give (mom/dad) the strength to endure this difficult cross. Help (her/him) to look to Your Son as an example of bearing suffering. In the garden of Gethsemane Jesus asked, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will” (Matthew 26:39, NIV). Help my (mom/dad) be comforted by these words, to know that even Jesus did things He didn’t want to do.

Please guide (her/his) doctors as they come up with a treatment plan. May they have wisdom and know what is best for her body. Please heal her O God. I don’t want to know a life without my (mom/dad), at least not for a long time.

Ultimately, I pray (mom/dad) having lung cancer is an opportunity to glorify you and witness the faith of others. We have many family members who have fallen away from the faith and I pray that there will be opportunities to talk about You and our hope in You and Your will through all of this.

I surrender my feelings of anxiety and fear and ask that you replace them with hope and joy. It’s all in your hands. In Your Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer For A Spouse With Lung Cancer

Lord, my spouse has lung cancer. I come to you humbly and somewhat of a wreck. I never thought this would happen to (name). Cancer is something that you hear about people having. It’s not something I thought I would have to watch my spouse live through.

It’s hard to stay calm though in a sea of unknowns. (Name) is the love of my life and I don’t want to live a life without her. (Name) is my person, a beautiful (man/woman )of faith who leads me closer to you. I want to live out all of my days with (him/her) and I’m scared cancer will rob us of that.

I feel selfish of these requests because I’m not even the one going through this cancer. Please heal (him/her) of this cancer. Please do it quickly.

Help me to confidently put my trust in you. Wrap your loving arms around (name) as (he/she) comes to terms with her diagnosis and treatment. Help (him/her) to feel safe and loved by You during this difficult time.

Help me to be what (name) needs during this time. Help me to be supportive and have the right words to say to encourage (him/her) to fight. May I be strong when (he/she) is weak. Thank you for this opportunity to live out my vows of in sickness and in health. I strive to love like You, sacrificially.

The treatments can be difficult and painful so please give (him/her) the strength to endure this difficult cross. Help (name) to look to Your Son as an example of bearing suffering. In the garden of Gethsemane Jesus asked, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will” (Matthew 26:39, NIV). Help (name) to be comforted by these words, to know that even Jesus did things He didn’t want to do.

Please guide (his/her) doctors as they come up with a treatment plan. May they have wisdom and know what is best for (his/her) body.

I surrender my feelings of anxiety and fear and ask that you replace them with hope and joy. It’s all in your hands. In Your Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer For Medical Professionals Working On Lung Cancer

Lord, I lift up all medical professionals who are working with lung cancer. This cannot be an easy job and so I thank you for those who have chosen this path. I pray for the medical professionals who are performing surgeries today. May you guide their hands.

For the medical professionals who are delivering bad news today, may their words be soft, comforting, and loving. It’s very challenging to have a doctor who has poor bedside manners so please help these doctors so that their patients can feel seen, heard, and cared for by their doctors and nurses.

Lord, give the doctors the wisdom and knowledge for coming up with treatment plans for their patients. Give them confidence as they work towards saving lives. They see and hear difficult things each day. Help them to know what they are doing is glorifying to You and building up the kingdom. In Your Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer For Evangelization Opportunities For Those With Lung Cancer

Almighty God, lung cancer is never something I thought I would be faced with. There are many questions that are to come, but what I do know is that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8, NIV).

This illness will not shake my faith in You and I pray it gives me more opportunity to bring others to you. Place people in my path who need to hear of You and your unwavering faithfulness. Help me to be your face, hands, and feet to my family who has fallen away from You. They need You.

I offer my sufferings up for those who don’t know you or don’t want to know you. May you convert their hearts and if necessary, use my words to help them in the process. In Your Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer For Lung Cancer Survivors

Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Thank you for curing my lung cancer! I know You are a miracle worker so I knew if it was Your will that You would heal me.

I can’t help but have a little bit of anxiety that the cancer might come back. Please put these worries at bay and continue to be cancer free for the rest of my days! You helped me to not have to suffer through this alone. I know you were walking with me every step of the way.

Thank you for all the ways You showed up for me during this journey. Help me to use this life that you have allowed me to keep living for the purpose of building up your kingdom. May my story and experience be helpful to others who also have lung cancer and struggle to breathe, be a witness to others of your healing power. In Your Name, I pray. Amen.

Concluding Thoughts

When you or someone you love has lung cancer it can bring to life challenging emotions. Fear, anxiety, and sadness are all normal responses when you first learn the results of your biopsy or other diagnostics. The enemy wants us to wallow in those emotions, but God responds differently.

When we have faith in the Lord he answers our unsettling emotions with the call to trust, be patient, and hold on to the deep and abiding joy only He brings us. The challenges in our lives are invitations to grow as a disciple. May your journey with lung cancer, or that of your loved one, be a witness of the Lord’s healing power!