5 Trusting Prayers To Find A New Job

Last Updated on October 19, 2023 by Emma

Finding a new job can be stressful but it can also be a time that helps us to grow in godliness. God is so faithful and if we allow Him to work in our lives during this season He will be good to help us. 

As you seek to find a new job you may be challenged to think about your worth, security, and identity. These prayers will help you focus your mind back on Christ. As Christians our worth is not based on our performance but rather our standing before God. Christ died for our sins and it’s in this we can stand secure. When we are tempted to think our identity is in our ability to get a job, God boldly says ‘No, your identity is a Child of God.’ 

I too have experienced different seasons of seeking a job and waiting. Waiting can be so difficult but it is in those times of waiting that I have seen God working in me so clearly. It was in those moments that God revealed more of Himself to me and I began to trust in Him more. 

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11, NIV).

We are glad that you are choosing to pray for a new job. God is faithful to give you good things and loves hearing from you. We hope these prayers help you focus on God during this season of finding a new job. 

We would love to pray with you as you seek new employment. Please comment in the section below so we can better know how to be praying for you in this season. 

Short Prayer For A New Job

Father, You are the creator of all things. In the beginning, you worked and you gave Adam instructions to work too. I desire to work. I want a job that I can work hard and honor you in. 

I pray that you help me find a new job. I pray that you do not delay. The desire of my heart is to be able to work to provide and honor you. Help me to let go of control and trust you in this area. 

God, I pray that you open the doors that are necessary for me to find the job that you have already prepared for me. I pray that I will have the confidence and strength I need to apply, interview, and begin a new job. 

I pray this in Christ’s mighty name, Amen. 

Prayer For A New Employment

Father, you are sovereign over all things. All things are within your hands and within your timing. I know you have me in my current job right now but I desire a change. Lord, help me as I seek new employment. 

God, I ask that you search my heart and see that my desire for new employment is from you. Lord, you know that my current work experience is a difficult place for me to honor you. This job seems to only pull me away from a relationship with you rather than closer. 

However, I ask that you reveal to me any pride that is in my life that could be causing me to want to seek new employment. Deliver me from any pride so I may boldly live for you. If you desire for me to remain in my current position, I ask that you help me be able to grow and share you with my co-workers.

Father, I pray that if it is your will for me to find new employment you guide me. Help me to see where you are leading me and give me the confidence to follow after you. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer For Contentment While Seeking Employment

Father, you are the giver of all good gifts, so today I’m praying for contentment. I am at a point of frustration and despair as I look for a desirable job. It is difficult to get a good job. I often time think about how much more a different job would satisfy. 

Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen. (Hebrews 13:20-21 ESV)

God, will you help me to be satisfied in you alone? Help me to continue to aspire to do good things, not for the paycheck or fame, but rather for your glory. 

God, when I’m tempted to feel useless or lost help me to ground my identity in you. The truth is that I am your child and nothing can take that identity away. I will face competition when I’m seeking new employment that may tempt me to compare. Remind me at this moment that I am yours and you are in control. 

When others get the job instead of me help me to experience no strife but help me be content that you have another plan for me. Help me to be able to congratulate them. Thank you for the freedom to be able to do this because I am content in You and Your sovereignty. 

Father, I also want to ask that you give me contentment when it comes to the pay that I will receive in a new job. If the job threatens my walk with you help me to recognize that no amount of pay should have me take that job. Give me contentment to know a job that honors you is more important than any amount of money. 

Father, I pray for contentment in all these situations. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer For Joy When I Didn’t Get The Job

Father, I begin this prayer with truths I know; You are good, You are in control, and I am loved by You. Please put these truths deep in my heart. Right now I am struggling to be happy as I didn’t get the job that I really wanted. 

I ask that even in my sadness that I can find joy. The joy I have in you is not dependent on my circumstances. Help me to continue to trust and obey You as I rest in the joy that only can be found in You. 

God, thank you for still being in favor of me, especially since it feels like my prospective employer thinks I’m underqualified and not a good fit for the job. You have given more than I ever deserved when you redeemed me from my sin. 

I have many things I can rejoice over despite this rejection. The greatest of these is my salvation. God, you rescued me from the dark life of sin I was living. Jesus, You took my place and took on God’s wrath so that in exchange I receive God’s mercy. This truth alone brings joy into my life even though I didn’t get the job. 

I can rejoice over so many things including the common grace I receive every day from you. 

“Yet he did not leave himself without witness, for he did good by giving you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying your hearts with food and gladness.” (Acts 14:17 ESV) 

God, I give you due praise now for all the good things you have graciously given me, regardless of the rejection that I just experience. Help me to continue to find joy. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer For Peace While Looking For A Job

God, you are all-knowing. This is an amazing characteristic of yours to dwell on. Today I dwell on it because I’m seeking peace as I look for a job. This process has already been long with many unknowns, but you know everything. You know the timing of when I will get my next job, you know what it will be, and you even know the smallest details. 

 “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” (John 14:27 ESV)

God, I would love for you to reveal to me what my next job will be and allow me to start working in this job as soon as possible. Until then give me peace. I know there will still be difficulties as everything is worked out but I trust in you. 

God, thank you for using this situation of looking for a new job to continue to work in me. Help this situation be one that trains me to be more like Christ.

Father, during this time when I am worried about money. Give me peace and wisdom to steward what you have given me. Help me to keep my eyes on you. Help me to rest in you alone. Teach me what this looks like as you help me grow. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Closing Thoughts

Looking for a new job can be very difficult. Sometimes God extends this period far beyond what we feel comfortable with. It’s in these moments that He often works in us to reveal more of Himself. We hope these prayers help draw you near to Him. He cares for you and wants you to have a job. More than that He wants a relationship with you. 

The only way to have a relationship with our God is through Christ. Jesus alone has the power to save us from our sins. I urge you to trust in Christ today, be honest and repent of the sin in your life, and humble yourself to see how God will use this season to help you grow. 

We would love to be praying with you and for you during this time. Please let us know if you are looking for a job. And when God answers your prayers, we would love for you to come back and let us know how God used this season to help you grow.