14 Thankful Prayers For A New Month

Last Updated on October 19, 2023 by Emma

Want to give thanks for a new month? Need a prayer to say you’re grateful for a new month?

You’ll want to use one of these 14 thankful prayers for a new month. Bookmark this page and come back each month as you form a new monthly habit of gratitude. Each prayer covers a specific month and what may likely be happening then. Of course, you can change the wording in any prayer to fit your particular feelings of thankfulness at the time you pray.

There are many dozens of verses in the Bible about thankfulness and prayer, so I chose one that is short and simple as an encouragement for your prayer journey:

“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful” (Colossians 4.2, NIV).

The Apostle Paul joins the habits of prayer and gratitude in this verse. As you are watchful, you will find different things to give thanks to God about each month. You might want to write them down so you can reflect on them at the end of the year.

We’d love to hear about what God does in you and through you as you pray. Please share your requests and comments in the section down below after reading this article. You may also want to take a look at prayers for new beginnings, or morning prayers for family and friends.

Short Prayer Of Thanks For A New Month

Dear Jesus, thank you for this new month beginning. I feel that as I turn the calendar page, I’m also turning the page for a fresh start in my life journey with you. I ask that you guide me through this month and help me live for you. I pray this in your wonderful name, Amen.

Thankful Prayer For A New Month In January

Dear God, January starts a new year and as I just celebrated New Years, it’s a new month. I give thanks for all this newness in my life right now. I feel like giving thanks to you for a new time, a new year, a new month, and a new beginning in what I’m doing.

I don’t know what this month holds but I ask that you walk with me through it. I am thankful for your eternal presence and guidance in my life, Lord. I ask all of this through Jesus Christ, Amen.

Thankful Prayer For A New Month In February

Father God, I want to pray to you about this upcoming month. February is a short month and most people turn to thoughts of relationships and love because of Valentine’s Day. I want to thank you for this new month that is starting because I want to focus on my relationships this month.

For the next few weeks, I ask that you help me to prioritize the important people in my life. May they know my love for them throughout this month. Thank you for the opportunity to do this in my life this month. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Thankful Prayer For A New Month In March

March is such an odd month to me, Lord. For where I live, it’s not really winter anymore, but not quite spring. It’s like an in-between month, and that’s how I feel at the beginning of this month.

But I want to give you thanks for this in-between time, as it can be a time for sorting things out in my life. A month to let go and a month to decide what to pick up. I pray for your guidance in March, Lord. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

Thankful Prayer For A New Month In April

God in heaven, what a wonderful month to give thanks to you for! It’s April and that means it’s Easter time, when I can consider and give much thanks for the sacrifice of Jesus and his resurrection. I can give thanks for the gift of salvation in a special, focused way this month.

Help me to not lose sight of your love for me and others that is so tangibly expressed in the Passion week and on Easter. Help me to live out your mighty grace in expressive ways this month. Thank you for your love and for Jesus, Amen!

Thankful Prayer For A New Month In May

Dear God, I want to thank you for the ability to pray to you about anything. I want to give you thanks and praise for all the opportunities to celebrate and grab hold of joy this month.

I can celebrate my mother this month, and then all of the many different people in my life who are graduating from their various schools as well. So much future and so much hope altogether! Thank you for what I think will be a great month. I pray this in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Thankful Prayer For A New Month In June

Thank you, Lord God for the month of June. I appreciate the start of summer and how, at least in my world, things seem to slow down a bit, like everyone is taking a bit of a pause. I pray I can embrace this slowing down, so I can focus on what is important in my life.

Help me to see that and to live that out in practical ways as this new month kicks off tomorrow. In the name of Jesus I pray this prayer, Amen.

Thankful Prayer For A New Month In July

As the old month has passed on and this new month of July begins, I am filled with thanksgiving, God. In the heat of summer, I have air conditioning and a car that works so I can get to work. For that I give thanks!

I am thankful for the birthdays and days off this month. I am thankful that we are halfway through this year already and I am in good health. I am thankful for so many things this July, Lord, including that you hear my prayer through Jesus, Amen.

Thankful Prayer For A New Month In August

Dear Lord, thank you for a new month beginning today. I like when one month shifts to another month, as it marks the passage of time and lets me see you continue to be at work in my life.

As I enjoy the last bit of summer vacation time, I am grateful for the seasons that change along with the calendar. I look forward to seeing what you do in my life this fall, but for now, I will enjoy the rest of this lazy August. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Thankful Prayer For A New Month In September

School has started, Lord, and that turns my heart to wanting to learn more about your love in my life. So, as September begins, will you begin a new work in my heart and mind? Will you guide me by your Spirit to see you more clearly, and hear you more deeply?

I want to grow forward in this new month, Lord. Hear my prayer in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Thankful Prayer For A New Month In October

I can smell fall in the air, Lord God, and it does my heart good. I am grateful for this autumn month of October. Whether it’s a festival or football, pumpkin spice, or deep-colored leaves, this month especially helps me to see the value of letting things happen as they happen.

May I be thankful for what goodness comes my way this month, as I know it is ultimately from your hand. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

Thankful Prayer For A New Month In November

Dear God, I pray a prayer of thankfulness in November, the month of Thanksgiving. For family and friends, I give thanks. For work and rest, I give thanks. For cool air and warm fires, I give thanks.

Thank you Lord for filling my heart with gratitude. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Thankful Prayer For A New Month In December

It’s winter time now, Lord, and I pause in the midst of all of the holiday fervor to give thanks to you for all that this last month of the year means to me.

With the giving of gifts and the celebration of Christmas, I am reminded that you gave me the ultimate gift of love in Jesus Christ. Thank you for this simple reminder that enlarges my heart to love more, and love more often. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

Prayer Of Thanks For A New Month After A Bad Month

Lord God, I’m glad I can pray to you anytime, as this past month was horrible. It was one thing after another that I thought would never stop. But my heart is filled with thanks that a new month is beginning today.

With this new day and new month, I pray that everything in my life will be better than last month. I’m not asking for perfect, just not another bad month. I’m thankful that I can begin a new month with gratitude, as your faithfulness is new every morning. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

Final Thoughts

Expressing gratitude is actually good for your health. Combine being thankful each month with a regular habit of prayer and you tangibly loving God with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength!

The Apostle Paul gives us a great encouragement about giving thanks for each new month in our life:

For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer” ( 1 Timothy 4.4-5, NIV).

God’s goodness is constant and with each new month that we live here, we can give thanks to God for all that he will show us and do through us. May these prayers each month become a wonderful habit in your life. Keep on praying!