6 Tender Prayers For Opioid Addiction

6 tender prayers for opioid addiction 6533dacbe0b41

In today’s world, the battle against opioid addiction rages on, leaving countless lives shattered in its wake. The allure of temporary relief from pain or distress often draws individuals into the deceptive trap of opioids, ensnaring them in a seemingly unbreakable cycle of dependency. But as we face the daunting reality of this epidemic, we … Read more

6 Loving Prayers For An Addicted Mother

Addiction is a devastating part of life. It destroys relationships and leads us further from God. There are two types of addictions substance addiction (alcohol, illegal drugs) and behavioral addiction (gambling, shopping). No matter what type of addiction your mother is suffering from you should always pray for your addicted mother. When we think of … Read more

7 Resolute Prayers For An Addicted Sister

My sister is my best friend. I can’t imagine a world where she would be constantly chained and debilitated by an addiction. However, I watched my dad live that reality. His sister was addicted to alcohol. He has shown me that we must pray for our sisters who suffer from addiction. Unfortunately, my aunt lost … Read more

13 Tender Prayers For Addiction Recovery

Addiction is a struggle that knows no bounds, affecting countless lives and tearing families apart. It’s a battle that tests one’s strength, willpower, and faith. But even in the darkest of times, there is hope – a hope that stems from faith, determination, and the support of a higher power. In the journey of addiction … Read more

5 Hopeful Prayers For Internet And Social Media Addiction

In a world brimming with digital connectivity, the internet and social media have become integral parts of our lives. While these tools offer remarkable benefits, they also come with the potential for addiction. The lure of endless scrolling, notifications, and virtual interactions can subtly weave its way into our daily routines, often exerting more influence … Read more

5 Repentant Prayers For Addiction To Video Games

Are you or someone you know trapped in a virtual world and doesn’t know how to get out? Do you feel like your mind is being controlled by video games? Video games can be very addictive and God wants to help.  If someone you love is addicted to video games whether that’s on their computer … Read more

7 Loving Prayers For An Addicted Brother

Alcoholism, drug use, pornography, and video game addiction are some of the most common addictions in men. It’s extremely difficult to watch anyone, especially you brother, suffer through these kinds of addictions. It can be hard to know how to navigate addiction with your brother. Luckily, you can always pray for an addicted brother. Oftentimes … Read more

6 Honest Prayers For An Addicted Father

My grandfather was an alcoholic. My dad talks often about how this addiction shaped his and his siblings’ lives. In fact, his sister passed away at the age of 60 from liver cancer due to alcohol addiction as well. All of this instilled in me that it is deeply important to pray for addicted fathers. … Read more

6 Supportive Prayers For Cell Phone Addiction

In the bustling rhythm of modern life, my cell phone had seamlessly slipped into the role of a constant companion. Its glowing screen became an ever-present source of connection, knowledge, and entertainment. Yet, amidst the convenience and delight it offered, I found myself ensnared by an unanticipated struggle – an addiction that crept into the … Read more

6 Supportive Prayers For An Alcoholic Husband

Prayers For An Alcoholic Husband

The journey of being married to a husband struggling with alcoholism can be overwhelming and heart-wrenching. The pain, confusion, and isolation can feel unbearable at times. Yet, even in the midst of this turmoil, there is a source of unwavering comfort. Reflecting on 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, we explore the promise of God’s compassion and comfort, … Read more