5 Powerful Prayers For a Lost Soul

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You’ve clicked on a website to pray for a lost soul.  You may feel the burden of wanting someone you know to be saved through Jesus Christ. Where do you start?  How do you pray?  What should you pray? With any of these five powerful prayers for a lost soul, you can begin to pray … Read more

7 Bedtime Prayers for a Friend

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Bedtime is a great time to reflect upon your day in prayer and while bedtime prayers are usually associated with younger people, there’s no reason that adults can’t add bedtime prayers into their routine. Through prayer, we can sit and be still with God. It is not uncommon when you sit and reflect to think … Read more

6 Solid Prayers For Self-Discipline

Are you wanting more self discipline in your life?  Do you want to pray about self-discipline? You can make use of these six solid prayers for self-discipline to help you in your spiritual journey.  They are written for common concerns that arise when we deal with self-discipline.  You can pray these prayers as they are … Read more

5 Morning Prayers For Family And Friends

Each morning we wake up and have many things on our mind. One of them might be your friends and family. These are the people you care about and so these are the people we want to pray for. God has created us in his image especially in creating us to be relational. God demonstrates … Read more

9 Elevating Prayers For A Friend To Find A Job

One of the most difficult parts of friendship is watching your friends struggle. It’s particularly hard to watch a friend be unemployed or in a job they dislike. One of the best things you can do is to pray for your friends to find a job. It can be very frustrating when your friend isn’t … Read more

6 Heartfelt Prayers For Finishing Strong

I don’t know about you but sometimes I feel like I work hard, and no one seems to notice. Being a mom sometimes exaggerates this feeling. We clean dishes, fold laundry, step in the middle of arguments and then start again the next day. I’m sure everyone can relate to feeling underappreciated, even if you … Read more

9 Powerful Prayers For Good News

Are you ready for some good news in your life? Want to pray for good news? Did you know you can pray for positive thoughts, for business, and even good news?  Let these nine powerful prayers for good news open your heart to pray for positive happenings in your life. As the prophet Isaiah reminds … Read more

7 Hopeful Prayers For Absent Friends

Do you have friends who are not around and want to pray about the situation? Welcome to this site where I invite you to make use of these seven hopeful prayers for absent friends. Each prayer covers a particular scenario, but you can easily alter the wording as you need to in order to fit … Read more