8 Strong Prayers For Hard Times

Do you need to pray during a hard time in your life? Are you facing a difficult time right now?  Do you need a word of hope in a hard season?  Scripture promises that: “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.Therefore we will not fear” ( Psalm 46.1-2, NIV).   During … Read more

7 Strengthening Prayers For Court Cases

Life often presents us with unexpected challenges, and one of the most daunting can be finding ourselves or our loved ones involved in a legal battle. These situations can be overwhelming, causing anxiety, fear, and uncertainty to cloud our minds. Yet, as followers of Christ, we are called to place our trust in God even … Read more

6 Supportive Prayers For Abandonment

In the depths of abandonment, where despair threatens to engulf us, a longing for love and acceptance can consume our hearts. We may have experienced the sting of broken relationships, the pain of rejection, or the feeling of being forgotten and forsaken. Yet, even in the midst of our darkest moments, there is a glimmer … Read more

6 Supportive Prayers For Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse is a painful reality that affects countless lives, leaving deep scars that are not always visible to the world. It is a heartbreaking experience that shatters trust, undermines self-worth, and robs individuals of their dignity and sense of safety. However, in the midst of this darkness, there is hope. We have the assurance … Read more

6 Encouraging Prayers For Disappointment

The night is dark and you lay in bed with a deep sigh. This is not a sigh of relief but of disappointment.  We’ve all been there. The day didn’t seem to go the way we thought. The conversations we run over and over again in our heads. The relationships that you thought were solid … Read more

8 Encouraging Prayers When You Feel Defeated

My earliest memory of being defeated is in elementary school. Specifically with the weekly spelling tests. My mom would help me study on her bedroom floor. We tried different tactics and study techniques. However, every week I would be defeated by always missing at least one word.  These tests and the defeating results devastated me. … Read more

6 Supportive Prayers For Trauma

Trauma can leave us feeling like we are lost in a storm of pain and confusion, struggling to find solid ground. It disrupts our lives in ways we can’t anticipate, leaving us grappling with fear, anxiety, and a sense of shattered security. It’s natural to question why such hardships occur, God’s Word offers a glimmer … Read more

5 Strong Prayers For An Appeal

Legal appeals serve as a crucial avenue for seeking justice and rectifying potential errors in human judgments. Amid the complexities of legal systems, we often find ourselves yearning for equitable outcomes that reflect the truth. In a similar vein, our spiritual journey involves appealing to a higher power for fairness and righteousness. The Scriptures guide … Read more

7 Steady Prayers For Setbacks And Delays

Facing a delay and need to pray? Do you need to pray about a setback in your life? Something always seems to come up, doesn’t it? You’ve made plans to get something done. You’re setting out on a journey of some nature. And then, you have to stop, take a pause, deal with challenge or … Read more