7 Helpful Prayers For Hiring A New Employee

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Need to hire a new employee and want to make sure you have the right person? Want to pray about it? These seven helpful prayers for hiring a new employee may be exactly what you need right now. Each prayer covers a specific aspect of the hiring process, or a typical concern with hiring someone. … Read more

8 Thankful Prayers For Having A Job

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Are you grateful you have a job? Have you given thanks to God for you  being employed? Sometimes we only come to God in prayer when we need something to happen, or we are in crisis. But it’s a vital part of a relationship with God to pray when things are going right in your … Read more

5 Hopeful Prayers For A Raise

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Have you ever found yourself in a place where you believe you deserve a raise? The idea of asking for more money can be intimidating, but it’s important to remember that seeking a raise can be a perfectly reasonable and faith-driven endeavor. It’s about recognizing your worth and having the courage to ask for what … Read more