5 Gentle Prayers For Diabetics

Last Updated on October 19, 2023 by Emma

I remember the first person I ever met with diabetes. She was in my 6th grade class at school and what I remember most about her was that she was often sick and had to stay home, and that she left to go to the nurse multiple times a day to give herself her insulin injections. I remember feeling so sad for her and all that she had to go through to function properly every day.

So when I was diagnosed with diabetes a few years ago, my limited knowledge and memories of my classmate sent me straight into a panic. Will I miss out on adventure? Will my life revolve around needles and doctor’s visits? Is this my identity now?

I had so many fears- and still do. My doctor was so patient and helpful, answering all of my questions and validating my concerns. I learned that a lot has changed since 6th grade, and that even though I have a long, hard road ahead, my identity is not found in this disease. As always, it is in Christ.

“I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13)

I may not know how I’m going to feel day to day, but I KNOW I can do all this through Christ who gives me strength. This scripture has given me so much hope, courage, and strength over these past few years.

Are there days I feel like I can’t keep going? Absolutely. I get discouraged, resentful, and envious of friends and family members who don’t have to deal with this. If I allow myself to go down the road of “if only,” I can find myself slipping into a pit of despair.

But when I call upon this verse, I always find the strength to go on. Even in our greatest weaknesses, we can find strength in Christ. Living with diabetes may feel hopeless, but we can trust that God’s power is made perfect in our weakness.

It can be so easy to focus on the negative aspects of managing diabetes, but we can find peace and contentment by looking for reasons to give thanks. Whether it’s the support of loved ones, access to quality healthcare, or the opportunity to grow in faith, there are so many blessings we can be thankful for.

Friends, we want to come alongside you and pray with you. We are blessed with this community of prayer warriors and I am so thankful for you. Please share below how we can pray for you.

Short Prayer For Living With Diabetes

Father, I come to you asking for physical comfort as I manage my diabetes, for my blood sugar levels to stay normal, and to keep my body free from complications. I know that with you, all things are possible. I trust in your goodness and mercy to continue to provide me with the strength I need on this journey.

Every day I face challenges from living with diabetes, and I ask you, Lord, to give me the physical and emotional endurance needed to manage this disease. In Your Name, Amen.

Prayer For Finding Hope While Living With Diabetes

Lord, I come to you seeking your hope, and strength, and comfort while living with diabetes. I acknowledge the insurmountable challenges that come with managing this disease, and I need your divine hands to carry me as I suffer day in and day out.

I know that you are the God of hope, and I trust that your promises will sustain me during difficult times. I pray that you will give me peace that surpasses all understanding and courage to face each day with determination and faith, knowing that I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.

I also ask for the strength to manage my diabetes. I need wisdom to make good decisions about my diet and exercise, and perseverance to get through the challenges that come with managing my blood sugar levels.

Provide me with comfort when I feel alone in my illness. Fill me with your love. I know that you are with me and will never forsake me. Surround me with others who love me during my worst days and understand how awful some moments can be.

Help me to be an encouragement to others also living with this disease. I pray my story and the way I love others through my challenges will inspire others to persevere in their own battles with diabetes, and that in everything I do, I point others to you. In Your Name, Amen.

Prayer For Diabetic Child And The Parents

Dear Heavenly Father, I am on my knees crying out for comfort. The challenges that come with parenting a child with diabetes are insurmountable. It causes me so much pain and grief watching my child suffer.

My heart is heavy, and I often feel overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next. I am full of fear as I watch my child struggle with this awful disease.

Lord, I ask for comfort for my child. Protect their body, regulate their blood sugar levels, and keep them from any further symptoms. It pains me to see them suffer and not be able to do all of the things their friends are doing or enjoy eating the things their friends are eating.

Give them the strength they need to be the active little child I know they are.

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous hand.” (Isaiah 41:10)

I also ask for your wisdom and guidance as I parent my child and must make difficult decisions. I feel inadequate and don’t always know if I have it in me to keep a positive outlook. I’m often overwhelmed by medications, doctors, and new studies. I doubt every decision I make.

Help me to just know how best to help my child. Help me to trust the doctors you have given us and to have confidence in their care.

Father God, it pains me to see my child struggle, and it makes it hard to continue to work, eat, sleep, or care for the rest of my family. Provide me with rest, peace, and refreshment in the midst of difficulties. Free me from these never-ending worries and wrap your arms of comfort around me.

I also ask that I would be a source of hope and comfort to the other parents who are on this same journey. The waiting room warrior moms and dads who know all too well what parenting a diabetic child looks like.

Help us to lean on one another and give each other strength. Give me the words to say in their dark times and open my ears to hear their words of wisdom for me. I pray for healing not only for my own child but for all of the children I meet every week who are suffering alongside us. In Your Name, Amen.

Prayer For Those Who Care For Me Through My Diabetes

Lord, I lift up all of those friends and family members who are caring for me on my journey with diabetes. I admit that I am not always an easy patient or even a pleasant person to be around, and I thank you for the many people who continue to love me despite my hard times.

I know you have surrounded me with these people and have given them a tremendous responsibility that comes along with that role. I ask that you give them strength and guidance as they care for me.

I ask that you give them patience, understanding, and rest. I know they have had to drop what they’re doing and completely alter their days and lives more times than I can count. Help me to remember to acknowledge their sacrifices as they so selflessly give their hearts to me.

I thank you for surrounding me with such a special community. In Your Name, Amen

Prayer for Medical Professionals Treating Diabetes

Father, I ask that you would bless all the doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals who are involved with treating diabetes. Their work is so valuable, and they are so appreciated in the diabetic community.

I pray that you would give them the knowledge, skill, and compassion to provide the best possible care for their patients. Give them the resources they need to keep making advances and the sleep they need to keep working their long hours.

I ask that you would give them the insight they need to continue to find new ways to manage diabetes, and breakthrough innovations to find a cure. In Your Name, Amen

Final Thoughts

Living with diabetes can be so discouraging at times. It’s easy to feel alone and like no one understands my daily struggles. I need to surround myself with other followers of Christ who can lift me up when I am down and encourage me when times are hard.

None of us are meant to live this life alone. God has given us this community to share one another’s burdens. We invite you to share about your diabetes journey and comment in the section below so we can pray with you!