100+ Hopeful & Simple Prayers for Depression

Last Updated on December 4, 2023 by Emma

Anxiety and depression are on the rise and prevalent in most people’s lives whether they are suffering or someone they know. Prayer isn’t a Band-Aid for depression, but it is crucial to pray for those suffering from depression!

I’ve suffered from anxiety and depression most of my life. What started as perfectionism eventually turned into anxiety to the point of making me sick, dark weeks and months of depression, and a very low period in college with suicidal thoughts. Since becoming a mother this illness has surfaced as postpartum depression (PPD).

Motherhood didn’t come as easy to me as everyone said it would. The sleepless nights, fear of doing something wrong, intense panic during meltdowns, and times of sickness proved to be more than I could handle on my own.

Through all of this, as a woman of faith, I felt like I was doing something wrong. I heard things like, just pray and you’ll be fine, but that wasn’t the case. Don’t get me wrong, the Lord showed up. He was walking with me, holding me, and supporting me when I felt like I couldn’t get out of bed.

The Scriptures have been crucial in helping me through periods of depression. One of my favorite passages to pray is a psalm of David, “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, and he refreshes my soul.

He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me” (Psalm 23:1-4, NIV).

This passage was both comforting and confusing. If the Lord is my shepherd then I don’t need anything else. If He brings peace and refreshes my soul then why do I still feel so empty, and lonely? However, the rest of the passage goes on to say that even when we are in our most desolate moments the Lord is there with us, comforting and protecting us.

Depression is a complex illness so it’s important to stay steadfast in faith, even on your darkest days. I have given you 10 prayers for depression, but feel free to customize them to your specific situation. Please leave your prayer requests in the comments so we can pray with you!

Short Prayer for Depression

My God, I know that I am slipping into a depression. I have no desire to do the things that used to bring me joy. Everything feels so hard and I can barely keep up with my basic care. I feel drained and exhausted all the time.

You are the only one who can truly fill me. For now, I just ask that You give me the strength to keep getting out of bed each day. I can’t conquer this illness alone. In Your Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer for a Friend Who is Depressed

Lord, (name) is depressed. (He/She) is in denial. (Name) thinks (he/she) is just in a funk, and it’ll get better. It will get better, but things are getting bad for (him/her). He’s not getting out of bed. He hasn’t showered in days and is barely responding to any messages.

(He/She) is skipping (work/school) and I am just getting so worried. You are the ultimate healer. You heal us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. (Name) needs to be healed emotionally and spiritually. Help (him/her) to desire to be healed and ask for Your help.

I know (his/her) prayer life is lacking as well. I know (he/she) is struggling with motivation, but please just give (him/her) the desire to spend time with You, even if it is just a quick prayer or two. (He/She) needs to make some concrete changes, but none of that will matter if (he/she) is not fostering (his/her) relationship with you. (Name) needs to remember (he/she) is a child of God.

Help (him/her) to know how loved they are by You. Show them they are beloved and worthy. May these words from Scripture be on their lips, “Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows” (Luke 12:6-7, NIV).

Please give (name) the motivation to start making concrete changes in (his/her) life to help get out of the depression. Prayer, medication, therapy, and organization are all things that I think would help (name).

Help me to be what (name) needs. Help me to be supportive and have the right words to say to (him/her) to encourage (him/her). Give me the wisdom to give (name) what (he/she) needs right now.

Prayer for Depression and Hopelessness

Lord, I’ve been depressed for months now. It’s starting to feel like I’m always going to feel this way. I don’t know how to possibly feel better. I am full of deep dark feelings. Some days I can fake happiness. I even have moments where I can pretend so well it almost feels real.

But when it’s just me, in the silence, I know I’m not feeling how I should. I can’t be the person you created me to be while fighting this depression. It’s just so exhausting. Give me the strength to keep fighting when all I feel is hopeless. “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go, (Joshua 1:9, NIV).

I must always have hope when I have You. May these words from Scripture be always on my lips, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33, NIV).

You have overcome the world. Jesus died and rose again. There is nothing, but hope when it comes to You. The impossible is always possible. I know someday I will have peace and joy again. Give me the strength to get to that day. In Your Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer for Depression and Anxiety

God, my head is spinning. My body is aching and tired. I feel like I’ve just run a marathon when all I’ve done is spiral into a ball of anxiety. For some reason, my mind just jumps from one problem to 100 different things that aren’t problems.

Why am I worried about something that might happen? Why am I worried about things that are years down the road? Please, Lord, help me to only focus on You and Your path for me. Don’t let me be sidetracked by unnecessary anxieties.

Honestly, it’s hard to pray. It’s hard to stay close to You when sitting in silence just spirals my thoughts even further. Help me to quiet my thoughts. Help me to be still. You are my peace. You are my strength and my song. In Your Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer for Depression After Loss

Holy God, I have lost someone so dear and important to me. I’m sad and angry. I don’t understand why you let bad things happen to good people. I know it’s not fair for me to be mad at You, but I just need you to know how I feel.

I miss (name) so badly. Every part of me aches to be with (him/her). All I want to do is crawl under the covers and cry. I’m losing my purpose. I need your help to keep going because I don’t know how to do it on my own. I’m so broken Lord. Please put the pieces of my heart back together.

I know that this loss has sent me into a depression. I’m working with a therapist and am considering medication. Please give me the wisdom to know whether or not this is the right decision for me. I think it will help me feel better, but I get nervous about putting so many things in my body.

Lord, please carry me. I’ve been so weak and lifeless since (name) died. I feel like a ghost of myself. I go through the motions, but I don’t feel alive. I have responsibilities to keep attending to, but I just feel like I can’t. It’s so hard to get out of bed or take a shower let alone do chores or go to work.

I know that it was Your will for (name) to die, but I don’t understand it. Please Lord, just give me the joy that I used to have. I know I will never be the same, but I want to look forward to things again. I don’t want to cry every day and feel helpless. Please help me to get through this depression.

If anyone can help me. It’s You…and my therapist. Thank you, Lord. In Your Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer for Discouragement and Depression

Lord, I’m so discouraged. This depression is eating me alive. I’m pretending to be someone I’m not just to make it through the day. I’m trying to move forward, to address my triggers, but every time I improve I feel like I’m taking two steps back.

I’m so frustrated and discouraged that I can’t just be normal like everyone else. Please help me to remember these words from Scripture, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6, NIV).

I know I can conquer this mental illness with Your help. Things might not be better forever, but I know that I can get to a good place. Right now, I feel like I’m just surviving each day. I don’t want to just survive anymore. I want to thrive. I can do all this through him who gives me strength” (Phillippians 4:13, NIV). In Your Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer for Treating Depression

Lord, I need help with treating my depression. I’m working with a therapist and am considering medication. Please give me the wisdom to know whether or not this is the right decision for me. I think it will help me feel better, but I get nervous about putting so many things in my body.

I’m not sure my therapist is the right fit for me either. I’m not making the progress I want to be making. I think I need someone new, but also don’t want to tell someone new my entire life story. Gosh, I hate how these small things give me such debilitating anxiety.

Something as small as just thinking about getting a new therapist has me hiding under the covers. I’m scared to find someone else and it is a worse fit than what I already have. If you want me to find a different therapist then please put them on my path.

Please give me your peace as I seek treatment for this mental illness. I cannot do this alone. I need to conquer my stressors and triggers. Give me the motivation and focus I need to keep making progress. Please don’t let me slip back into the pit of despair. I need you, o so much, o Lord. In Your Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer for Post Partum Depression

God, sleep. I need sleep. I’m an emotional wreck. I’m almost always on the brink of an emotional breakdown. I can barely keep my eyes open. The lack of sleep is just hitting me like a train. How does anyone deal with this?

I feel so terrible for thinking this, but right now, I am not a fan of motherhood. I feel like I’m falling into a pit of despair when I’m supposed to be happy. I don’t understand why I feel this way when I should be thrilled that I have a sweet baby to snuggle.

So many women struggle with infertility, miscarriage, or infant loss. They would love to be complaining about sleepless nights. I feel selfish and inconsiderate for complaining about something that is a privilege.

It’s a privilege to get up and (nurse/feed) my baby. It’s a privilege to rock them to sleep, to comfort them when they’re sick, to carry them around all day. I know it’s a privilege. I know it’s a great gift from You to have this amazing child, but it is so unbelievably hard.

Please help me to overcome this. I need your help to be the mother you want me to be. In your Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer for Supporting a Parent With Depression

God, my (mom/dad) is struggling with depression. It’s hard for me to deal with because it requires a lot of attention from me. I’m just a kid and I feel like I have to be the parent in this situation. It’s overwhelming and honestly, it just feels not fair that I have to deal with all this. I need your guidance and strength.

Why do I have to be the person who makes sure my (dad/mom) gets out of bed every day? Why do I have to constantly check in with them to make sure (he/she) is taking their meds? I know this is just a cross to bear, that I shouldn’t complain, but who else can I tell if I can’t tell you, Lord?

There is just so much responsibility when my (dad/mom) spirals into the dark holes of depression. Help me to remember that this is an illness just like any physical illness. Help me to be selfless and serve my (dad/mom) when they go into one of their depressive states.

Please assist the doctor who is working with my (dad/mom). Help them to know the right medications and proper dosage so they keep their mental illness under control.

If (dad/mom) goes into a deep depression again please be with me and act through me so I can give (her/him) the proper care. I love my (dad/mom) so much. I just want them to be safe, happy, and healthy. You are the ultimate protector so I trust in You. In Your name, I pray. Amen

Prayer for Supporting a Spouse With Depression

Lord, my spouse is struggling with depression. I come to you humbly and somewhat of a wreck. It’s so challenging for me to watch (name) go through this pit of despair. I’m scared to say the wrong thing and send (name) into a deeper depression.

(Name) has struggled with this for years and on (his/her) darkest days it sends me into a panic. It’s hard to stay calm when the person you know the person you love has struggled with suicidal thoughts before.  That part of (his/her) life is gone, but I know it could come back at any time.

(Name) is the love of my life and I don’t want to live a life without her. She is my person, a beautiful woman of faith who leads me closer to you. I want to live out all of my days with her and I’m scared depression could rob us of that.

I feel selfish about these requests because I’m not even the one going through the depression. Please heal her of this mental illness. Please do it quickly.

Help me to confidently put my trust in you. Wrap your loving arms around (name) as (he/she) battles this mental illness. Help her to feel safe and loved by You during difficult times.

Help me to be what (name) needs during this time. Help me to be supportive and have the right words to say to her to encourage her. May I be strong when she is weak? Thank you for this opportunity to live out my vows of in sickness and in health. I strive to love like You, sacrificially.

I know (name) didn’t choose this illness. Please give her the strength to endure this difficult cross. Help her to look to Your Son as an example of bearing suffering. In the garden of Gethsemane Jesus asked, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will” (Matthew 26:39, NIV). Help my wife to be comforted by these words, to know that even Jesus did things He didn’t want to do.

It’s easy for Christians to feel like they aren’t allowed to be worried because they just have to trust in God. I don’t want her worry to overtake her, but I want her to know it’s okay to tell God that she doesn’t want this. She can be honest with you. I know it will lighten her load if she can be honest with you.

Please guide (name’s) doctors and therapists as they work to help (him/her). May (his/her) doctor adjust (his/her) medications so that we avoid these dark and scary periods. Give (name’s) therapist the words to encourage (him/her). Help the therapist to work through (name’s) triggers and come up with successful coping mechanisms.

Ultimately, I pray this depression is an opportunity to glorify you and witness the faith of others. We have many family members who have fallen away from the faith and I pray that there will be opportunities to talk about You and our hope in You and Your will through all of this.

I surrender my feelings of anxiety and fear and ask that you replace them with hope and joy. It’s all in your hands. In Your Name, I pray. Amen.

25 Simple Prayers for Depression

  1. When I am feeling blue, please remind me that when I turn to You, things are always better.
  2. Lord, please help me find strong, positive Christian examples to help me get through this difficult time.
  3. Help me remember to not be afraid of anything or discouraged because You are with me at all times.
  4. As I search for joy in my pain, remind me to seek You first (Psalm 22:26) in all that I do.
  5. When I feel low, remind me of Your love. Nothing can separate me from it (Romans 8:38-39).
  6. You are the Light in my life. Help me focus on eternity!
  7. Please ease my burdens and remind me that nothing is more important than my salvation.
  8. Lord, I just ask for a grateful heart, knowing that You are always faithful and will pull me through this.
  9. Please elevate my mood and get me ready for war against the enemy.
  10. Lord, I would appreciate some wisdom when it comes to my depression. Lead me to the right resources and answers.
  11. As I struggle to find the meaning behind my hurt and pain, I just ask for You to wrap Your arms around me and never let go.
  12. Lord, when I feel down and alone, please place the right people in my path. 
  13. As I struggle with hopelessness, remind me of my blessings and all of the good things You have done in my life. Help me see my life has meaning.
  14. Please erase my fears and help me turn my frown upside down.
  15. Bring to my mind the things that bring me joy when I feel upset.
  16. When I’m discouraged, please remind me that this is the enemy trying to trick me. Let me not be fooled by his tactics. 
  17. Please set me on solid ground and never allow me to slip and fall (Psalm 55:22).
  18. Lord, help me to open my heart. When I open my heart, I know that all I need is You.
  19. When I feel lousy, remind me that I am not alone. King David felt this way, as found in Psalm 23.
  20. Please help me not slip into temptations when I feel uncomfortable. Though I feel it, help me stop the grumbling and complaining.
  21. When I am low, remind me that I have been through worse and survived. The enemy is just trying to throw me off my game!
  22. Please help me find joy in the things that make me happy.
  23. When I can’t seem to find my way, help me remember to always lean on You.
  24. Give me patience as I await Your answers. Remind me to continue praying at all times.
  25. Please do not ever give up on me as I struggle to stay “together.” I need you, Lord.

25 Simple Prayers for Anxiety and Depression

  1. Lord, Please be my light and salvation as prayed in Psalm 27:1.
  2. As I feel fear for something unreasonable or unknown, please bless me with comfort and ease my fears.
  3. When I am anxious, help me not make matters worse for myself. Remind me to breathe slowly and take one thing at a time.
  4. Help me not be afraid of anything because you have my back (Isaiah 43:1-2).
  5. When I want to panic, remind me to come to You in prayer and continue to pray until the anxious feelings go away.
  6. Help me remember that no matter what I’m facing, You have me in your arms.
  7. Please remind me to hand all of my worries over to You.
  8. Stress is multiplying in my life, and I need You. Please come to my rescue.
  9. When I feel like my world is all messed up and I lack direction, calm my soul and help me focus on what You need me to do.
  10. Precious Lord, Please do not let worries fill my head. Remind me that I can have victory over this with You.
  11. I trust that You will rescue me from my anxious thoughts and fears.
  12. Please remind me of the good in my life. Shower me with love.
  13. When I have doubts and fear the worst, please remind me to breathe deeply and trust Your hand in it all.
  14. Help me know the right things to do and say; help me focus on what’s important.
  15. Lord, teach me to turn to You when times are tough and not look to the world for answers.
  16. As my anxiety increases, please wrap Your arms around me in a giant hug!
  17. When I feel down, please lead me to the best resources for my particular situation.
  18. Show me how to turn to others and open up when things are emotionally hard for me.
  19. Lead me through this; help me trust You above all.
  20. When I want to scream because of the amount of anxiety, help me slow my breathing and remember that You are in charge and can change it all in a heartbeat.
  21. As I worry and feel a great amount of fear, I just ask that You lead me to comforting passages in the Bible.
  22. Help ease my burdens and turn to You and Your Spirit.
  23. As my moods go up and down, please put something in my life that is joyous. Help me to find new ways to laugh.
  24. Please give me enormous peace right now.
  25. If it is Your Will, I ask that You please heal me from this distress.

25 Simple Prayers for Sadness and Depression

  1. When I am low, please help me be productive and do good in this world.
  2. Do not let me walk in darkness, as mentioned in John 8:12.
  3. I know you are near and hear my desperate cries. I cry out to You! 
  4. Keep my delicate heart safe and free from unnecessary worries.
  5. When I feel all is lost, remind me of what I gain by being Your child.
  6. Please remove my troubles. Throw my fears away (Psalm 3:6).
  7. When hard times hit, please comfort and protect my heart.
  8. Remind me of Your grand plan and that there is a purpose in all things.
  9. Please heal my broken heart. Fill me with peace and joy as I pursue You. 
  10. Show me where to go when I am sad and lost.
  11. Help me find serenity and know what I can and cannot control.
  12. Please walk beside me on this journey to ensure I do not stray.
  13. Help me leave my worries at the cross.
  14. When I am paralyzed with depression and sadness, remind me that You are by my side.
  15. Comfort me as I struggle to just make it through the day.
  16. Remind me of what matters most.
  17. Ease my troubles with a good dose of laughter.
  18. When I feel that things are hopeless, please remind me of eternal hope.
  19. As the hard times multiply, I ask for You to bless my spirit and mind.
  20. Show me something beautiful in Your creation today.
  21. As I struggle with emotions today, please lead me to various places in Psalms.
  22. Lord, I love You, but I’m struggling. Please do not leave my side.
  23. When I am very low, please reach out Your hand and lift me up!
  24. Bring to me the people who will bless my life, not make it harder.
  25. Teach me to count my blessings and focus less on the negative aspects of life.

25 Simple Prayers for Hope

  1. Please give me hope and refuge through my Bible study and prayer time.
  2. When I’m at my lowest, help me have no fear. You are always with me and comfort my heart.
  3. Please give me the comfort that only You can provide. I trust You.
  4. When I feel all alone or down, remind me that You are holding me up. You hold my hand when I am afraid.
  5. Move me toward gratitude. Help me count my many blessings. You have showered me fully.
  6. Please ease my fears (Isaiah 41:10). I have massive strength in You.
  7. When I feel helpless or hopeless, remind me that You have never left my side.
  8. I can be sure that whether I see torture, death, the blues, a bad day, severe depression, or just a sad moment, You are right by my side.
  9. If I feel things could not be worse, remind me of Your love and faithfulness.
  10. Please do not let me wallow in sorrow.
  11. Give me hope and a future with You (Jeremiah 29:11).
  12. Please bless me with peace and comfort right now.
  13. Help me remember that I can find refuge in You.
  14. As I lean on You right now, please help me feel the comfort of my faith.
  15. Hold me steady with Your victorious hand. Help me to patiently wait on You.
  16. Lord, I am suffering. Please help me bounce back to a happy place.
  17. When I feel hopeless, remind me to turn to Your Word (the Bible) and prayer.
  18. Please show me if I am on the wrong path. I feel low and am questioning my decisions. I need You.
  19. When fear plagues my spirit, remind me that when I follow You and Your Will, I can do anything.
  20. Please bless me with love, assurance, and comfort during this dark time.
  21. Remind me that You have a purpose for me.
  22. Help me always follow the path that You have set out for me.
  23. When I feel empty, please intervene. Give me the inspiration and motivation to press on.
  24. Help me fill my life with You!
  25. Bless my life with everlasting wisdom.
  26. Please renew my spirit today and help me live for You.

Bible Verses to Pray Prayers for Depression and Anxiety

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

– Jeremiah 29:11

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.

– Romans 8:18

Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

– Matthew 11:28

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

– Joshua 1:9

And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm, and steadfast.

– 1 Peter 5:10

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not be afraid.

– John 14:27

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.

Deuteronomy 31:6

Concluding Thoughts

I hope this reminds you that you are not broken if you are suffering from mental illness. You are not alone and most importantly Jesus knows about mental suffering. He wasn’t depressed, but he had to battle negative thoughts and temptations just as we all do.

May all those suffering from mental illness know that the Lord is with them through their suffering. Please know that all will be well even if it doesn’t seem like it now. The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:22-23, ESV).

Frequently Asked Questions on Prayer

What is the most powerful prayer for depression?

While there is no perfect prayer for depression, Psalm 23 will boost your mood if you take a look at all that David says in that short psalm. Truthfully, praying from the heart is the best way to go. You can complain to God, and He will hear you (1 John 5:14-15).

What does God say about dealing with depression?

Repeatedly, God says to be strong and courageous. We need to lean on Him when we are dealing with depression. This is not to say that some situations do not need intervention by a medical professional, but do not forget that there is much power in prayer!

How can I battle depression with prayer?

You can start a prayer notebook, also referred to as a war binder. In a prayer binder or notebook, you can easily list out your concerns about your depression. Continue writing until your hand hurts, and watch what God does in response! But be patient, as His timing is always best!

What should I read in the Bible when depressed?

Often, when we read tragic stories, we feel comfort. This happens when our circumstances are not as bad as the ones we are reading about. Job in the Bible experienced much hardship, as he lost much of his family and suffered serious blows. Consider reading the book of Job.

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