9 Sincere Prayers for a Mother-in-Law

Last Updated on December 5, 2023 by Emma

Looking for prayer for your mother-in-law?  Want to know what to pray for the mother of your spouse?

These nine sincere prayers cover different aspects of life with a mother-in-law that you may find helpful.  Your relationship with your mother-in-law is unique to you and therefore you may have unique concerns for her to bring to God in prayer.  Modify each prayer as needed to encompass your concerns.  Use these prayers as a starting point to begin.

Despite the overused tripe about meddling mothers-in-law, we want to honor the woman who is a mom to the spouse you married.  She loves your spouse as much as you do, just in a different way, from a different perspective.  You don’t have to compete with her, but you do need to love her.

“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.   If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love.   I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.   My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you” (John 15.9-12, NIV).

You can love your spouse by loving their mother, from your place in the family.   Whether your relationship with your mother-in-law is positive, a struggle, on the mend, non-existent, stressful, or some other type, you can always lift a prayer for her.  As you pray for her, pray for yourself and your spouse as well.

Let your prayer be a way of bringing God into your relationship with your mother-in-law.  Anywhere God is will ultimately be a place of love and compassion.  What you may not be able to do on your own, the Holy Spirit can do through you in prayer.

As you pray, your own prayer needs may come up to the surface.  We encourage you to share those requests after this article.

A Brief Prayer for My Mother-in-Law

Dear Lord, I pray for my mother-in-law right now.  I don’t know what’s going on with her, but I felt a nudge in my spirit to pray for her, so I am.  As you surround her with your presence, may she know that you are with her and she is not alone.  Protect her, keep her safe, and in peace.  I make this prayer in the name of Jesus our Lord, Amen.

Prayer for Mother-in-Law Who is Sick

Lord God, I pray for my mother-in-law (name).  She is very sick right now and so my spouse has gone to see her and care for her.  I pray (name) gets better soon.  While she is at home and not in the hospital, I still pray that you bring healing power to her body.

I pray she will rest and take the medicine like she is supposed to each day. I pray she will let her daughter help her and not be stubborn.  I thank you for her presence in our lives and pray for her to return to good health soon.  In the strong name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

Prayer for Mother-in-Law Who is Visiting

Lord Jesus, (name) is coming to visit and it looks like it won’t be for just a couple of days, for several days.  I love my mother-in-law but she has a habit of wanting to make our home her home when she stays here.  She changes where things are and insists on moving stuff around.

I understand she is who she is and I’ve shared my concerns with my spouse.  He knows this as much as I do and he’s tried to explain to his mom about her “habit.”  She says she understands, but then keeps doing it.  I want her here because my kids so enjoy her visits, but I need strength to make it through her being here.

Lord, give me patience and some time away from the house.  Give me a perspective that it’s only for a short time.  I pray with prayer with a grateful heart that you hear me when I pray, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer for Mother-in-Law Who is Moving In

God in heaven, we’re going to have to have my mother-in-law move in with us.  Her health is such that she cannot stay in that big house all alone anymore.  This is a big step for our family, Lord, so help us as we make this transition.

We’ve talked and discussed and planned and now it’s the week to make this happen.  I give you thanks that she is open to this and accepts the reality of the situation.  I’m glad, God, that we didn’t have to fight her on this move.  Thank you that we have the room in our house for her to have her own space.

We are grateful for how you have provided at each step of this journey.  Help her as she adjusts to living in a new place and environment.  I pray for all of these things in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer for Mother-in-Law Who Lost Her Spouse

O God, (name)’s husband has died.  We just got word early this morning.  She is devastated, Lord, so I pray for you to be near to her in this very moment.  My husband has already left to go be with her so give him safe travel there.

We are shaken by this Lord.  My kids just lost their grandpa and my dear mother-in-law has lost the spouse who has been by her side for so many years.  What will she do now?  How will she cope with this loss?  Lord, give us all wisdom and direction amid this grief, so we can be of help to (name).

I pray this in the comforting name of Jesus our Lord, Amen.

Prayer for Mother-in-Law Who is Dying

God, my wife’s mom is dying.  The doctors have given the diagnosis and it’s pretty accurate.  She only has a few months left according to them.  I pray for my wife in the midst of this too, Lord, but right now I pray for (name).

She has been like a second mom to me and she’s going to be gone sooner than later.  I’m still processing the news and I’m praying to you so you can give her comfort in this last part of her life.  Help her be at peace and not have too much pain.  I pray that I can be of help to her as she ties up the details she needs to finish.

Let (name) know she is loved by you and surrounded by people who will miss her very much when she is gone. But also let us all enjoy these last several weeks we have with kindness and joy for her life, and her presence with us.  In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

Prayer for Mother-in-Law Who is Retiring

Well, Jesus, my mother-in-law is finally retiring from her job!  She wanted to continue working but the company has a mandatory retirement age and she just hit it.  I’m thankful her co-workers are giving her a big send-off in recognition of all she has done for them and the company.

I pray that she can adjust to a new life as a retired person.  I pray for her to seek out new avenues for her energy and her wisdom.  I pray for her to make new friends as she enjoys retirement.  I thank you that she is also going to have more time to visit with her grandchildren, who are looking forward to it.

I pray for all of this for my mother-in-law, in the name of Jesus, Christ, Amen.

Prayer for Mother-in-Law Before Our Wedding

God, I pray for my mother-in-law to seriously relax and step back as we go about planning our wedding.  I know she means well, but both my husband-to-be and I agree–she is coming on way too strong.  I don’t want this to be how our relationship begins, Lord.  I pray that she will hear us as we talk to her together.  In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

Prayer for Mother-in-Law As She Becomes a Grandma

Lord, we are overjoyed that we are pregnant!  We got confirmation a couple of days ago and we’ve been so happy!  I pray for my mother-in-law as we tell her–this will be her first grandchild and we know she will be so enthusiastic.

I ask that she finally stop asking us when we’re going to get pregnant.  I know she means well, but we wanted to have a baby on our schedule, not hers.  Even so, Lord, may this be a way for her to grow in her understanding of her relationship with her son, who is now my husband.

I make this prayer, trusting in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Final Thoughts

Your relationship with your mother-in-law can be whatever you choose it to be, just as it is with any other family member.  You are not responsible for, nor can you control, the actions of someone else, including your spouse’s mom.  So, you get to decide whether the relationship will be filled with complaints and strife, or with compliments and understanding and grace.

As you have time, you may want to read the Biblical story of Ruth and her mother-in-law for additional perspective.

You both love the same person, so it can be awkward at times, to be sure.  Over time the love and the relationship may alter as her life changes.  As you are secure in your marriage, in your connection to God, and in yourself, then whatever situation arises with your mother-in-law can be handled deftly and with empathy.

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him” (Colossians 3.17, NIV).

Keeping your perspective is helpful as you relate to the mother of your spouse, and as you pray for her.

We trust these prayers have been helpful to you at this moment.  We trust they will be helpful to you in the future as you return to this site to pray for your mother-in-law regarding the next scenario that comes up in your life together.  Please share your prayer requests in the comments section below.

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