6 Hopeful Prayers For Brain Surgery

Last Updated on October 19, 2023 by Emma

Facing brain surgery and scared to death? Want to pray about your brain surgery but don’t have the words for it?

I know you you feel, I truly do, because I’ve been there.

I had brain surgery a few years ago

A tumor had been growing in the back part of my brain for 10-15 years and I had no idea it was there.

Until it made its presence known, in the form of a grand mal seizure while I sat in my living room.

After an emergency room visit, CT and MRI scans, and a visit with the neurosurgeon, I was informed I would have brain surgery to remove an egg-shaped benign tumor one week from then. What?!

So many questions ran through my mind, with no ready answers available. I wanted to pray but all I could muster was, “God, I don’t want to die from this or have a permanent disability from the surgery; help me survive.” You may be feeling the same way; this is brain surgery, not fixing a broken arm or something!

It’s easy to feel powerless in this type of situation; I know I did for a time. But I took courage and strength I personally didn’t have at the moment from the reality that God knew what was happening to me. God knew I was worried. God knew I wanted healing. God knew all of this because God is God and I am not.

But God also knew what I was feeling because I expressed it all to him in prayer. I was buoyed by this scripture from the Apostle John:

This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.  And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him” (1 John 5.14-15, NIV).

My hope is that these six desperate prayers for brain surgery will be of help to you as you face uncertainty and a big emotional and physical challenge. You can modify any prayer to better suit your circumstances or use them as they are written, but do use them, and pray them.

I would encourage you to also look at trusting prayers for surgery, and how does God answer prayers. You are welcome to share your prayer requests and comments in the section at the end of this article.

I invite you to open yourself to grow closer to God as you walk along in your prayer journey.

Short Prayer For Brain Surgery

Dear God, I am going to have brain surgery next week and I am freaking out! This is my brain they are going to be operating on! The neurosurgeon told me that this was pretty straightforward and everything, but it’s my brain–I’m worried about how I will be after the surgery. Please help me be calm and trusting and not be so anxious about all of this because that can’t be good for my body before surgery. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer For Neurosurgeon Before My Brain Surgery

Lord God, I pray for my neurosurgeon who is going to be operating on my brain later this week. I pray that there not be any conflicts in his life this week that will distract him from what he is doing in the operating room. I pray for his good health. I ask that you give him deep and restful sleep each night so he is fully alert for my surgery.

I ask that you keep him safe on his drive to the hospital on that day and that he is at peace and focused. I pray for his eyesight to be accurate as consults all the scans, so he knows exactly where he is going to operate. I pray for there to be no obstacles to this brain surgery from happening.

I am obviously worried about this, Lord, so hear my prayer from my heart. I want this to go well. Hear my prayer through Lord Jesus, Amen.

Prayer For Neurosurgeon During My Brain Surgery

Father God, I am about to go into surgery and the medicine is going to be kicking in soon, so I want to pray before that happens.

I pray for my neurosurgeon during this surgery. I pray that he does not have any foot pain or muscle spasms in his legs so he can fully stand for the length of this surgery. I pray against any twitching or sudden movements in his hands and arms as he operates on my brain.

I ask that you help him see clearly so he can see all of the tumor that needs to be removed and that there is nothing left of the tumor when he is done. I pray that there be no complications during the surgery and all goes smoothly. I ask all of this in the name of Jesus, my Strength, Amen.

Prayer For My Recovery From Brain Surgery

God, I made it! I am in the recovery room after my brain surgery and it all seemed to go well. Thank you and praise you for your healing power expressed through the surgeon and medical staff. I have to stay here for a couple of days for observation and all of that, but it looks like all is good!

I was told that I have to be cleared by the physical therapy team in order to be released, so I hope that goes well. I can move everything okay and my eyesight seems clear. I have no trouble talking or eating, so I think I am in good shape and I am so thankful.

I know I’m supposed to take it easy in the near future, especially with loud noise, bright lights, and flashing lights, so help me know when to close my eyes and give me the rest my brain needs. I pray for a full recovery and give you all the credit for this healing in my brain. Thank you, Lord God!  In the name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.

Prayer For Medical Team During My Brain Surgery

Lord, I obviously pray for my surgeon during this brain surgery, but I also want to pray for the entire medical team who will be involved.

I pray for the anesthesiologist to be fully alert as she brings me under for the entire surgery and then brings me out of it.  I pray for the nurses assisting the neurosurgeon, that they be focused on what instrument they hand him. I pray they pay attention to the number of sponges and other items so that nothing is left behind.

I pray they are all sanitized fully so that no chance of infection can enter into my brain cavity. I pray for peace and healing through the entire process, from the first cut to the last moment of sewing my head up. I want this to go as well as it possibly can go.  I lift this prayer in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer Before My Brain Surgery

God, I am scared.  I have to have brain surgery. I can barely get those words out. Brain. Surgery. My brain controls everything about what I do, and say and think. Will I be the same person after the surgery?  Will this surgery change me? Will I survive it, or be disabled in some way?

Lord, I have so many questions and the neurosurgeon tried to answer some of these as best as she could but anxiety is flooding my thoughts at the moment. Help me to be at peace in you. I need you in a big way, Lord.

I’ve never been in the hospital for any sickness in my life and now I’m going not for just any surgery but brain surgery! I don’t want my nerves to derail the immunity and healing power in my body so I pray for calmness in my mind and body and spirit.  Help me Lord Jesus, as it is in your name I pray this, Amen.

Final Thoughts

Brain surgery is a big deal, as it’s your brain after all. So, it’s natural to feel heightened emotions surrounding the surgery itself. It’s okay to have a lot of questions running around, and it’s okay to ask your medical team all of those questions and get the answers you need.

It is also appropriate to pray about this brain surgery and not hold anything back in your prayers. Let God know what you are feeling, no matter how desperate or anxious you may sound. God is God and can handle whatever you bring to him.

May you take some encouragement from the Apostle Paul and grab hold of the hope you have through Jesus Christ:


“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” ( Romans 15.13, NIV).

Let God’s hope overflow into your thoughts, your sleep, your emotions. Let hope carry you through the coming days and especially on the day of the surgery. Keep on praying and keep on growing closer to God as you pray!