7 Prayers for My Husband to Find Work

Last Updated on October 19, 2023 by Emma

The Bible teaches us that men are supposed to be the head of our households. They are meant to be hard workers who provide for their families. However, we live in a society that is constantly trying to redefine our households and individual family roles.

It is almost impossible for most families to live on a single-family income. In a lot of cases, the cost of childcare far exceeds the income a second person would be making. This leaves, most commonly mothers, at home depending solely on their husbands to find and secure a stable source of income.

The one thing we can do for our husbands is pray for them. Matthew 7:7 teaches us to “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” We can encourage our husbands to go after their work goals, but we also need to keep them grounded in seeking out God’s goal for them.

No matter if you’re living off of one income, or your husband just needs some encouragement, pray for him. Even though the job market isn’t always for men, he will feel the love you have for him through your words, and the love Jesus has for him in his heart. If you have any specific requests about prayers for your husband to find work leave them in the comments below.

Quick Prayer for My Husband to Find Work

Dear Father, I ask that you watch over my husband. I know you are aware that he is in search of new work, Lord. I ask that you show him the path towards the career you want for him.

Father, open a door for my husband that he may have not thought of by himself. Please give our family a direction to follow you down, Father. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Prayer for My Husband to Find Fulfilling Work

Father, I am concerned about my husband. I worry that he is being defeated by work that he does not see a point in doing. I know you see him do this work for us every day, Lord. I know you stand next to him as he works so that our family can be well taken care of.

Father, today I ask you to light something inside of him. Help him, Father, find the fulfilling sense of work he once had. Reintroduce the love he shared with completing a task, Lord.

Father, I ask that you present new tasks at work for my husband to do. Give him an opportunity to learn something new and to find excitement through this new work, Lord.

Lord, I ask that you open a door full of fulfilling excitement in my husband’s work life. Watch over him, Father, help him not get burnt out too quickly. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Prayer for My Husband to Find Work to Get Us Through Financial Trouble

Lord, our family is in a financial crisis. We are in a situation where we do not know how we are going to pay the bills that are coming. I’m on my knees today asking for you to grant my husband work, Father.

I know that we can depend on you, Lord. I know that you have opened doors for us in the past when we thought we had tried every opportunity.

Father, today I ask that you drop my husband a job. I ask that you guide him in the direction he needs to go. Even if it is not a forever job, Lord. We need you to provide us with income producing work now.

Father, I do ask that you keep us close to you. I ask that if you find my husband work, even if it is not for a greater purpose, that you keep his heart longing to look for the right one you created for him.

We want to follow your will, Father. I am turning our situation over to faith as my husband heads out in pursuit. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Prayer for My Husband to Find and Keep Work

Dear Lord, my husband is having such a hard time. He is finding jobs that are not the right fit for him, Father. I need you to intervene, Lord, I ask that you open his heart and his mind to whatever comes next.

Lord, I know my husband may not be the perfect fit for every job, but I also feel like we have not been walking in your direction. Help my husband find the job you created him to do. Help him keep this job, long term, Lord.

Our family is in desperate need of stability. I am begging you to provide that stability for us Father. Show my husband work that will provide him with a stable income, giving us the ability to breath.

Lord, our hearts and minds are with you. I am placing our lives in your hands and I am letting go of control. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Prayer for My Husband to Find Work He Can Do at Home

Lord, our family is in a bit of a tight place. My husband needs to find work, but we also need it to line up with our children and family’s schedule. Father, I ask that you show us a job that will help us bring our lives together.

Lord, I believe this job will be the answer to all of our prayers. By cutting out the commute I believe we can make our family schedule line up well enough to succeed.

I ask that you give my husband the courage to try an opportunity out of his comfort zone. I ask that you give him the confidence he needs to try out a job he may not have looked at before today.

Father, it is important to my husband to be able to provide for our family. I ask that you open his heart to work from home opportunities. I ask that you provide him with a job he cannot say no to. I pray that it is perfect for both him and our family in every way. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Prayer for My Husband to Find Work Outside of the Home

Father, my husband has been helping care for our family for quite some time. Our family is now ready for him to get return to the workplace. Lord, I ask that you help us with this next big transition. I know that you have put this feeling in both my husband’s heart and my own. We are fully committed to walking down whatever path you choose next for my husband.

Lord, we ask that you give those who interview my husband an understanding heart. Help them see the hard work he has been completing when taking care of our family at home. Allow the world to view his time he has committed to our family’s growth as a valuable asset to their company.

Father, I ask that you give my husband strength. I know you only have one path in mind for him, but I ask that you help him take the wrong path’s rejection with grace and ease. Help him be strong in the face of rejection, remind him it is because those places are not where you want him to be.

Lord, my husband means so much to me I ask that you fill his body with your never-ending love as we begin this next chapter. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Prayer for My Husband to Feel His Worth at Work

Father, my husband has been ending his day defeated. He comes to me looking like he has worked harder with every passing day. His job is not recognizing him in the way he needs for his hard work, Lord. I ask that you open the eyes of those around him to see all the hard work he has done.

I know there are so many people who work hard at my husband’s place of work. I know his job may not stand out as much when he is doing a great job.

Remind those around him that not seeing him every day is the goal. Help them recall him when everything goes right in the day. Allow his boss to see and recognize that everything is going right because he is being successful in his work.

Thank you for blessing us with a steady paycheck Father, we know we owe all of our success to you. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Concluding Thoughts

My children have a CD that sings bible verses and this one struck me today on my morning drive. When we are looking towards the Lord, it is important to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;” Proverbs 3:5.

If we ask our Lord for things, but then do not relinquish our control over the situation, we do not leave room for him to guide us in the right direction. Remember to let go and trust that he will provide for your family. That doesn’t mean do nothing, it just means to leave your heart open for the unthinkable.

You never know where work will be provided for your husband, even if it is not the easiest solution to the problem presented, there may be a lesson waiting there from God. All you need is one good interview- whether it’s in person or even online.

Don’t forget to leave your specific requests about prayers for your husband to find work in the comments below.