6 Tender Prayers For PTSD

Last Updated on October 19, 2023 by Emma

Life’s journey often leads us through valleys of pain and suffering, leaving us with wounds that are not easily seen. PTSD is an emotional and mental battle that can emerge from traumatic events, causing us to relive the past and carry heavy burdens within us.

During these times of turmoil, we may feel isolated, unable to articulate the depths of our suffering to others. But even in the darkest moments, God remains steadfast, extending His arms to embrace us. 

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18 (NIV)

The Lord is intimately present with the brokenhearted. He is not a distant observer of our pain but rather a compassionate companion who understands our struggles. In times when our spirits are crushed, when we feel overwhelmed and defeated, God is near, extending His tender love and comfort. We are not alone in our anguish; the Creator of the universe cares deeply for our well-being. 

Finding healing from PTSD begins with acknowledging our pain and surrendering it to God. It’s okay to admit that we are broken, for God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). Through prayer and seeking God’s presence, we open the door to His healing touch. He binds up our wounds and brings restoration to our shattered souls (Psalm 147:3). 

Additionally, we can find solace in the example of biblical characters who faced their own traumas. Joseph endured betrayal and slavery but later forgave his brothers, testifying that what was meant for evil, God turned it into good (Genesis 50:20). Job suffered unbearable loss and agony, yet his faith remained steadfast, and God restored him (Job 42:10). These stories inspire us to persevere through our struggles, knowing that God’s redemptive power is at work in our lives as well. 

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2 (NIV)

As we journey toward healing, it is essential to lean on our faith community for support. God often uses fellow believers as His hands and feet, extending love and encouragement. Sharing our burdens with others creates a safe space for healing and reminds us that we are part of a larger, caring family in Christ. 

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder may be a formidable challenge, but with God’s presence, healing is possible. We can find comfort in knowing that God draws near to us when we are broken. Through His love and the support of our community, we can embrace hope and restoration.

If you are suffering from PTSD, I encourage you to share your prayer requests with us so that we may come alongside you in prayer.  

Short Prayer for PTSD  

Heavenly Father, in the midst of my struggles with PTSD, I come before You, laying my burdens at Your feet. You know the depth of my pain, the wounds that haunt my heart and mind. I ask for Your healing touch and the peace that surpasses all understanding. Help me find solace in Your loving presence, knowing You are close to the brokenhearted. Grant me strength to face each day with courage and hope, knowing that Your grace is sufficient in my weakness. Surround me with a supportive community that carries my burdens as we journey toward restoration. Amen. 

Long Prayer For PTSD 

Father God, I am seeking Your comfort and healing for the deep wounds that linger within me due to PTSD. Lord, You understand the pain and turmoil that consumes my soul. I surrender all my fears, anxieties, and triggers to You, knowing that You are the One who can restore and redeem. 

Please, Father, draw near to me in this time of need. Wrap Your loving arms around me, embracing me with Your divine peace and presence. Help me to feel Your gentle touch, soothing the scars of my past and granting me strength for each day ahead. 

Lord, I pray for the healing of my mind, heart, and emotions. Replace the nightmares with Your perfect peace and turn my anxious thoughts into confidence in Your unwavering love. Guide me to the right resources, support, and treatment that will aid in my recovery journey. 

In the moments when I feel overwhelmed, remind me that You are my refuge and strength, my ever-present help in times of trouble. Help me to cast my burdens upon You, knowing that You care deeply for me and desire to carry my heavy load. 

Lord, grant me the courage to face my traumas with Your grace as my shield. May I find resilience through faith and grow stronger in my dependence on You. As I walk this path of healing, surround me with understanding and compassionate companions who can walk alongside me in love and support. 

I thank You, Father, for the promise of healing and hope found in Your Word. I trust in Your faithfulness and believe that You will restore what has been broken. Through the power of Your Holy Spirit, may my life be a testimony of Your redeeming love. Amen.  

Prayer For My Parent’s PTSD 

Father, I plead for Your mercy and healing for my dad who carries the burden of PTSD. Lord, You know the pain and turmoil he endures, and I lift him up to Your compassionate embrace. 

Please bring comfort to his troubled soul, soothing the scars of his past. Fill him with Your peace that surpasses all understanding and replace his nightmares with restful sleep. Help him find strength in You, knowing that You are the source of hope and restoration. 

Guide him to the right support and treatment and surround him with understanding and caring individuals who can offer companionship on this journey of healing. May he find solace in Your Word and grow closer to You through this challenging season. 

Lord, I pray for a miraculous transformation in my dad’s life, where the weight of his PTSD is lifted, and he experiences the freedom that comes from Your love and grace. I trust in Your power to bring healing and wholeness to him. 

I love my father and I commit to standing by my dad’s side throughout his healing process, offering unwavering support and understanding. May my presence be a source of comfort and encouragement, reminding him that he is not alone on this journey. Amen.  

Prayer For My Child’s PTSD  

Father, I come before You with a burdened heart, seeking Your divine intervention for my precious son who bears the weight of PTSD. Lord, You know the pain he endures, and I lift him up to Your loving care. 

I pray for healing, restoration, and peace to fill his wounded spirit. Please remove the tormenting memories and replace them with Your perfect peace and joy. Guide him to the right resources, therapies, and support that will aid in his recovery journey. 

As a parent, I commit to being a pillar of strength and love for my son. Grant me wisdom, patience, and understanding as I walk alongside him through this difficult season. May our bond grow stronger, and may he find solace in the love of our family and in Your eternal embrace. 

Lord, I believe in Your power to bring healing to my son’s life. I entrust him into Your hands, knowing that You are faithful to restore what is broken. Amen.  

Prayer For My Spouse’s PTSD 

My heart is heavy as I come before You, seeking Your grace and healing for my dear husband who carries the weight of PTSD. Lord, You know him intimately, and I lift him up to Your compassionate embrace. 

Please wrap Your arms of peace around him, soothing the haunting memories and calming his troubled mind. Guide him to the right treatments, therapies, and support that will aid in his journey toward healing. 

As his wife, I vow to be his rock of unwavering love, support, and patience. Help me understand his struggles and be a comforting presence during the darkest moments. May our bond grow even stronger as we walk this path together. 

Lord, I trust in Your power to bring restoration to his life. I entrust him into Your loving hands, knowing that You are the Great Healer who can mend even the deepest wounds. Amen.  

Prayer For Protection From PTSD 

Father, I come before You, seeking Your divine protection from the potential of experiencing PTSD. Shield my mind and heart from the traumas and challenges that life may bring. 

Guard me against overwhelming stress and emotional distress, preserving my well-being in difficult situations. Lead me away from harmful environments and guide my steps towards healing and resilience. 

Help me find refuge in Your presence, knowing that You are my safe haven in times of trouble. Surround me with supportive and caring relationships that will uplift and strengthen me. 

I trust in Your unwavering love and power to keep me from the grips of PTSD. With You as my protector, I can face life’s trials with confidence, knowing You are by my side. Amen.  

Final Thoughts 

May these heartfelt prayers be a testament of our trust in the Almighty, seeking His divine intervention and protection. In our vulnerability, we find strength in God‘s compassion and unwavering love. May His healing touch bring restoration, peace, and resilience to those affected by PTSD, and may we, as loved ones, be a source of unwavering support and understanding on their journey to wholeness.

If you or someone you know is facing the challenges of PTSD and would like prayers and support, please feel free to share your prayer requests and concerns below.