8 Life-Changing Prayers for Stolen Items to be Returned

Stolen.  Someone has taken what belongs to you.  You feel angry frustrated and helpless.  Especially if this was a big item like a newer car or other major purchase. A host of swirling emotions fill your mind.  Can you pray for stolen items to be recovered?  Yes, you can.  But you may not even know what to pray for at this moment.

We offer the prayers below to help you in this difficult and confusing time in your life.  Find the one that best suits your situation, and feel free to personalize it to your exact situation.  We encourage everyone to pray for the person who took your items, as Jesus reminds us, “Bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you” (Luke 6.28 NIV).

You are welcome to share your own prayer requests in the comments section below.  As one who has been where you are right now, and feeling what you’re feeling, I hope these prayers enable you to gain some measure of peace.

A Short Prayer for Stolen Items to be Returned

Father God, I can’t believe someone took my stuff!  Most of it doesn’t even have much value, except to me.  I’m so frustrated right now, it’s hard for me to pray, but I know you hear even the simplest of prayers.  I ask you to somehow get my stuff back to me.  I want my items returned to me, and hopefully undamaged as well.

I pray for the police as they investigate this, may they obtain good leads. I pray for anyone who knows about the stolen items to come forward and be helpful.  I ask for the pawnshop owners who may come across my stuff to alert the authorities immediately.  And Lord, even though I don’t really feel like it at all, I pray for the thief–convict that person and change their heart.  I ask this in the powerful name of Christ, Amen.

A Prayer for a Stolen Phone to be Recovered

God in Heaven!  My smartphone was lifted at the store when I had my back turned.  I wish I had been paying better attention, but whoever took it was quick.  Lord, I know it’s just a phone and my insurance will probably cover the cost of a replacement, but I have my whole life on that phone!

All those pictures and videos that I can’t fully replace!  All the contact information for my friends and family–I can’t even remember my parents’ number because it’s on my phone!  It seems silly to pray about a stolen phone when there are people sick with major diseases and really serious stuff out there, but I need my smartphone to function in my life.  Thank you for hearing even the smallest prayer, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

A Prayer for a Stolen Computer to be Returned

Dear Father God, I left my computer for a moment to get my coffee refilled and someone walked off with it!  I’m having a hard time even processing what just happened.  Please help me with clear thinking right now, Lord.  My computer is password protected so it’s not going to be worth much to someone, which doesn’t make sense to me.

This is a major deal for me, God–all my work was on there.   I know I’ve got some of it saved but it’s going to take a lot of time to recreate what I need.  Lord, this is going to have serious ripple effects in my life.  That computer is how I work remotely and keep track of my family’s financials.  Could they steal my identity?

O God, be near to me in this moment!  I’m trying not to be anxious about this and give everything to you in prayer, so please grant me peace and calmness.  I ask these things in the comforting name of Jesus Messiah, Amen.

A Prayer for a Stolen Purse to be Found

O Jesus, my purse is gone!  It’s got everything in there–my car keys, my phone, my money and credit cards, plus the little gift I had for my friend.  I can’t even call the bank and credit card companies to cancel my cards!  Plus, Lord, it was my favorite purse–my daughter bought it for me.  All the stuff in it would be a shame to lose, but Lord, I’d really just like the purse back.

God, I thank you for the helpful people here at the mall who’ve been so kind to me.  Bless them for their helpfulness in letting me use a phone to call my spouse and my work.  I’m grateful that I wasn’t hurt when my purse was stolen.  I’m shakily praying this in the strong name of Jesus, the Christ, Amen.

A Prayer for a Stolen Wallet to be Found

God, my wallet was lifted right out of my pocket on the street!  When I turned to see who bumped into me, they were already gone.  Thank you Lord, I wasn’t assaulted by the thief, but I’m still a little shook up–I’ve never been robbed before!  I guess I should be grateful I still have my phone so I can cancel all my financial accounts and cards, but God, this really is upsetting to me.

But I give you thanks, God, for the quick response of the police.  I’m hopeful they can find the wallet–that the thief only takes the cash and dumps the wallet where it can be found.  Thank you, Father, for being with me in the midst of this crazy day.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

A Prayer for Stolen Household Items to be Recovered

My God, our house has been broken into and some thief took our stuff.  Our personal space has been invaded, and it feels weird, Lord.  I keep thinking about what all did they touch?  Am I going to feel safe in my own home now? I’m trying to be strong for my family and calm their anxiety, but I’m kind of anxious myself, God.  I feel powerless, helpless, and worried.

I feel like I need to be thankful we weren’t home when they broke in, but I can’t really organize my thoughts right now.  We’re all unharmed, so I’m grateful for that piece of reality, God.  Please help me grab hold of other truths so I can make it through the next few hours and days ahead.

It almost seems petty for me to ask you for the return of the items stolen, but I’d especially like for the jewelry to be found and recovered.  All the pieces are from different relatives so it’s all very meaningful to me and my spouse.  This prayer sounds so scattered Lord, but I know you understand and will still hear it.  I pray this with strength from you, my Savior Jesus, Amen.

A Prayer for a Stolen Car to be Found

O my God, my Savior, my car has been stolen!  What am I going to do?  I can’t work without my car; I can’t take my kids to school or pick them up; I can’t take my friend to her doctor appointment!  I can’t exist without my car, Lord.  I need your help right now in major ways!

The police have arrived and have my information so I’m’ grateful they are already at work to locate my car.  I hope and pray, Lord, that whoever took it was just doing it for a joyride, and they’ve left it somewhere easy to find.  I just need my vehicle back intact, and hopefully without any damage to it.  Please Lord, hear my prayer, through Jesus, the Christ, Amen.

A Prayer for the Thief

Dear God, I don’t want to pray for the person who stole my stuff.  I know the Bible says to pray for those who hurt us, but it’s really hard to do in real life!  I ask that you take this reluctant prayer and intercede on my behalf, even as I speak the words.  As I pray, please transform my heart toward this thief.  I don’t want hatred in my heart, O God.

I pray this person–may they be convicted in their heart for the wrong they have done.  May the desire they had to steal be changed by you God to a heart that no longer wants to take what is not theirs.  I pray they return everything they’ve stolen so it can be given to its rightful owners.  I pray you bring accountability to them, Lord, so they can be set upon the path of following you.  I humbly pray this in the healing name of Jesus, Amen.

Concluding Thoughts

We’re sorry that someone has taken something from you.  It feels like they’ve taken more than just the item–they’ve taken a measure of trust, too.  It may be easy to choose to be cynical or be suspicious of other people now, but take heed of Jesus’ teaching, “But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5.44 NIV).

Even if your items are never recovered, may these prayers help ease your worry, and bring calmness into your heart. You can also focus on moving on and praying for a better tomorrow. Please share your own prayer requests in the comments area below.