4 Prayers To Help An Alcoholic Son

Last Updated on November 29, 2023 by Emma

Alcoholism is one of the many addictions that can destroy lives. The Bible doesn’t say we cannot drink alcohol, however, Ephesians 5:18 says, “And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit.”

We cannot be filled with the Holy Spirit and allow God to work through us if we are overcome with addiction to alcohol or drugs.  It can feel hopeless at times, to watch your son become imprisoned by alcoholism, but these prayers will point you to the hope of Christ.

Understandably, this may be an agonizing time in your life but be encouraged that you can use this opportunity to offer your worries to God. By casting your anxiety on him it can be a good reminder to yourself that He is in control. God can use you as a light to your son to shine His amazing love and grace.  It’s important to remember that love does not mean to enable an addict. Prayer is a  way of reminding ourselves that we all need His grace.

We can be at peace knowing that He has your son in the palm of His hand and that He wants to hear your heart. Being consistent in prayer for your son is one of the most powerful things you can do for him and for yourself. My hope for you is that you can use these prayers as an encouragement to your heart.

Trust that Jesus has everything in His hands and He will use this trial for your good (and your son’s good) and His glory. There will be a shorter prayer that may be easier to memorize or cite in times when your thoughts are all over the place. There will also be a longer prayer option that goes more in-depth.  If you need prayer I would encourage you to leave a prayer request at the bottom of the post so we can prepare more in-depth prayer for you and your loved one.

Short Prayer to Help Your Son Overcome Alcoholism

Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

Ephesians 3:20-21

It might seem impossible to overcome such an addiction as alcoholism. Be encouraged that anything that we can possibly think of God can do abundantly more than that! Being in faithful prayer gives us access to His great power to work within us.

This short prayer can be something you write down and keep with you to be in prayer about your son frequently to a faithful God who will listen:


Thank You for your faithfulness. You are so good to us and You care so deeply about my life and my son’s life. Your word tells me that You are able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think and I pray to trust that when I make my petition known to you.

I pray for my son and his battle with addiction. I pray that You would speak into his heart in a way only You can. I pray that I will walk in Your power that You work within me and that You will fight our battles for us.

I pray for protection over my son that you would keep him safe and bring him back to You. I pray that You would break the chains of addiction and set my son free.

In the precious name of Jesus, Amen.

Longer Prayer For A Son Battling Alcoholism

As we read 1 John 5:14 we learn that if we ask for anything according to His will, He will hear us. Be confident in your prayers that He will hear you. His desire is for your son to break the chains of addiction and be set free in Christ. The most beautiful thing you can do as a parent is get on your knees and confidently pray for His will to be done. Set your heart on the hope of Christ and trust that His word and His promises are true.

1 John 5:14


Thank You for hearing our prayers and caring about our trials and tribulations.  I pray for my son to come to know You in his heart and to live his life for you.  I pray that he could break free from the chains of addiction by confessing that You are Lord over all.

In John 10 it says, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” I pray for my son to have a full life in You and the enemy would flee his life at the sight of You. I pray that You would protect him against the schemes of the enemy. I pray that my son can see the truth that only Christ will fill the void that alcohol never can and never will.

I pray that my life will be a testimony of faith and that I will be an encouragement to my son. I pray that my words and actions will point him to You and what You have done for him.

I know you have a plan for my son because Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  I pray for a breakthrough today that my son will see that You are the author of our future. I pray that he will see that only

You give us the hope and the peace to endure life and that abusing alcohol will only further his hurt and suffering. I pray that this situation will be used for his good and for Your glory.

In the precious name of Jesus, Amen.

A Prayer For Strength For Yourself While You Support An Alcoholic Son

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7

Although the focus has been prayer specifically for a son battling alcoholism I believe it is important to have a time of prayer for yourself. There is sure to be some anxiety surrounding the family while you navigate helping someone battle addiction in a biblical way.

The Bible tells us not to be anxious but in every situation, in prayer with thanksgiving let our requests be known to God. He promises that He will give us peace if we trust Him.

This short prayer will help you find peace and strength while you support your son:


Thank You for Your amazing love and grace for us. Although I battle anxiety and fear I know that You care deeply about me and about my son. I pray that I will experience the peace that passes all understanding.

I pray that You would use this situation to further Your kingdom and that my thoughts and actions would be pleasing to You. I pray Your light shines through to my son and that he can see Your love and kindness through me. Teach me how to be more like You in all circumstances.

In Jesus’s name, Amen.

Closing Thoughts

Being in prayer consistently will help your mind stay focused on the one true answer for all of our pains and suffering, and that would be Jesus Christ. He died on the cross and rose up again three days later for all. It was a price we could never pay and His commandment to us is to spread His good news. We cannot carry these heavy burdens and Jesus is waiting with open arms to take it on for us. He says,

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”  -Matthew 11:28-30

He is the only One who can give us rest and take on such a burden as watching a loved one go through such a difficult battle as addiction. He cares so deeply about you and about your son and He is waiting to hear your heart. He is not afraid of the pain or the heaviness of the heart because He knows.

He is with you in your sorrow and He will go before you and after you in your journey. If there is anything specific you need prayer for, leave it in the comments at the bottom.

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