7 Bold Prayers to End Violence and Hatred

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Another act of violence is in the news.  Another act of hatred has happened.  When will it end? How many more thoughts and prayers can we think and pray?  As many as it takes, for we believe in a God who hears all prayers and is at work in many ways which we cannot see, … Read more

6 Hopeful Prayers For Someone In Critical Condition

In the world of critical care, where the battle for life is often fought in the darkest hours, a profound sense of purpose and unwavering faith becomes the guiding light for their loved ones. Families and friends of patients often find themselves in a place of profound worry and uncertainty. God is our refuge and … Read more

12 Encouraging Prayers for a Better Month

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Hoping this month is better than the last?  Want a new month to be a new start? These 12 encouraging prayers are set for you to use at the beginning of each month of the year.  Each month represents its own challenge, as well as its own opportunities.  While I mention general events or possible … Read more

5 Tender Prayers for a Peaceful Death

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Is a loved one facing the end of life soon?  Curious about how to pray about their passing? When a family member or dear friend is approaching the end of their life, it can be difficult to know what to pray for, or how to pray. What do you do?  The person you love and … Read more

6 Soothing Prayers for All to Go Well

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Needing a prayer for all to go well in your day?  Looking for how to pray for everything to go as planned today? No one wakes up and says, “I’d like for things to go badly today.”  We all seek to have good days but we all want a better tomorrow.  We want our schedule … Read more

7 Strong Prayers For Breaking Bad Habits

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Do you have a bad habit that you want to stop?  Are you in need of prayer to help you break your bad habit? Bad habits don’t begin suddenly.  They usually start with something simple and build from there.  And while no one is perfect, don’t we want to live our lives more in tune … Read more

6 Confident Prayers to Accomplish Dreams and Goals

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Are you looking for how to pray about accomplishing your dreams and goals in life? Are you unsure as to where to begin? We invite you to use the prayers written here.  These six confident prayers to accomplish goals and dreams allow you to give voice to the desires of your heart with God.  We … Read more

6 Prayers For A Friend Dealing With A Cancer Diagnosis

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Hearing a loved one was diagnosed with cancer is heart-wrenching and it can make the future seem daunting.  You may be struggling with what words to say or wondering what you can do to help.  When you feel like you don’t know where to begin, remember this passage from the Bible found in  Psalms 61 … Read more