6 Tender Prayers For a Grandmother Who Died

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If your grandmother has passed away, then these six tender prayers will be helpful to you as you seek to pray about your loss. As you read this, please accept our condolences for the passing of your grandmother.  Any death in a family is tragic and deeply emotional, but grandmothers hold a special place in … Read more

6 Heartfelt Prayers For an Absent Father

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Did you know that 1 in 4 children live without a father in the home, in the United States? This means there is no biological or adoptive father, nor a stepfather.  Perhaps you are in a household without a father present. Just as mothers play a unique role in the life of a child, so … Read more

4 Heartfelt Prayers for Father of the Bride

The excitement mounts for everyone as the young lady approaches her wedding. But what mixed emotions are happening for the father of the bride during his little girl’s big day? You may be the father of the bride struggling to find the words to talk to God on this big day or you may want … Read more

6 Loving Prayers for the Mother of the Bride

It’s the bride’s big day and her mom is full of many emotions. This is the day the mother of the bride could use prayer.  The mom’s little girl is going to walk the aisle to be wed to the man that God placed into her life. But for the lady that gave birth to … Read more

7 Loving Prayers for Your Unborn Grandchild

Parenting is the hardest job you will ever do. There’s, unfortunately, no instruction manual! It’s a gift to be a parent. It’s not something everyone has the privilege of so it’s important to praise God for this wonderful gift! “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly … Read more

6 Heartfelt Prayers for a Cousin

A cousin is a special relationship. There’s just something about the memories you make with someone while running around your grandparent’s home. Whether you are close to them or not it is always important to pray for your cousins. My mom is one of 6 kids so, on her side, I am one of 14 … Read more