12 Caring Prayers For People Who Are Homeless

Many years ago when I was single, I wanted to be able to understand what homelessness felt like. I chose to live for a month without any transportation of my own, in an old storage shed that had no AC, no heat, no toilet, no sink, and no shower. I am careful to point out … Read more

5 Kind Prayers Against Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse can leave deep scars that affect our sense of self-worth and well-being. The wounds of hurtful words and manipulative actions can cast shadows over our hearts, making us feel trapped and broken. But in the midst of this pain, there is a source of healing and hope – the unfailing love of God. … Read more

13 Kind Prayers For The Poor

Poverty is a big situation. It’s not just about not having money, or having enough money. It can be startling to hear someone who has a job say something like, “If I wasn’t so poor, I could . . .”  Often we can fool ourselves that “poor” equates to not having the money we want … Read more

11 Opening Prayers For a Funeral

When praying to begin a funeral, it is important to be mindful of the different needs of those who are gathered. Prayer is a powerful tool that can be used to comfort and uplift those who are grieving. If you’ve never prayed in public before, it can be intimidating the first time you do (or … Read more

5 Meaningful Prayers For Your Dying Husband

Marriage is a beautiful gift you hope that you never have to see your partner die. But unfortunately one of you will your husband may have gotten in an accident or maybe sick or just dying of old age. No matter what’s happening. The Lord is with you as your husband is dying. Never hesitate … Read more

5 Gentle Prayers For Your Dying Wife

September 5, 2023 would have been my grandparents 59th wedding anniversary. Unfortunately, my grandpa watched his wife die 4 years ago from liver cancer. He was always praying by her bedside in those final days. He reminded me of the importance of praying for your dying wife. When I visited my grandma in hospice a … Read more

4 Pleading Prayers Against False Accusations

You hear the news that someone has accused you of a terrible offense. Others begin to hear and it seems like everyone is judging you.  Your mind runs through the past interactions with the accuser and you wonder how they could have come up with this false accusation.  Those over you have to get involved. … Read more

6 Supportive Prayers For Difficult Conversations

Life is filled with moments that demand difficult conversations. Whether it’s addressing conflicts, discussing sensitive issues, or making important decisions, we’ve all been there, facing those conversations that make our hearts race and palms sweat. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. … Read more