11 Honest Prayers For a Girlfriend

Last Updated on October 19, 2023 by Emma

Do you need to pray for a girlfriend?

There are girlfriend relationships that are romantic in nature, whether as a teenager, college student, or as an adult.  There are also relationships with girls who are friends, buddies, or pals.  Did you know that there are health benefits to having a girlfriend?

We deal with finding girlfriends, breaking up with girlfriends, and not having girlfriends.  Whatever your relationship is, and however it is going, it will be important to pray about it.  Make use of these 11 honest prayers that touch on many different aspects of a relationship with a girlfriend.    You can always modify any prayer here to be more suitable for your situation.

When you are in a relationship with a girlfriend, or a friend who is a girl, you would be wise to follow the instruction of scripture, as shared by the Apostle Paul,

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing” (1 Thessalonians 5.11, NIV).

Being an encouragement to others, including your girlfriend, is not about being happy all the time.  Encouragement is very important to a relationship.  When you encourage someone, you’re giving them confidence.  Wouldn’t you want to do that for your girlfriend?

When you pray about your girlfriend, pray for your girlfriend, you are being reliable, steady, and stable.  You are being the friend they need you to be.

One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin” (Proverbs 18.24, NIV).

The wisdom of Proverbs is a reminder that prayer is vital to being reliable.  When you have a girlfriend, you serve her as you pray for her.  If prayer is new to you or praying for a girlfriend is new to you, then these prayers will be helpful to you.  Use them as a starting point in your prayer life with God.

Prayer For a New Girlfriend

Lord Jesus, I am so happy!  I just started dating with my new girlfriend!  I can’t believe we’re together, but we are and I pray to you in gratitude.

She is such an amazing person, Lord.  I am asking you to help me be a good boyfriend to her.  I like that we can talk about things and share with each other.  I like that we have fun doing things we both enjoy.  I don’t know where this relationship is headed, but I pray that you guide us forward.

I give you thanks and praise for my girlfriend and I make this prayer in the name of the One who is Love, Amen.

Prayer For a Best Girl Friend

Lord, I have several friends who are girls but I’d really like to have a best friend.  They are all very nice and we get along, but I’m praying because I’d like to have a true, best friend.

I want for us to be able to trust each other and be the kind of friend we turn to for good times and bad times. Can you help me know who would be a good best friend?  I pray this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Prayer About Breaking Up With a Girlfriend

Dear God, I am thinking about breaking up with my girlfriend.  We’ve been together for about a year and I like her well enough, but something just doesn’t feel right.  I can’t really point to something specific, but it seems as if we aren’t really as close as we were a couple of months ago.

Please help me have the words to say when I speak to her.  I don’t want to hurt her, but I also don’t want to continue to be in a dating relationship with her.  We really do seem to be going in different directions.  Help me to find the right timing for doing this.  I pray this in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer After Breaking Up With a Girlfriend

Lord God, I didn’t want to have the talk I just had with my girlfriend, but we broke up.  I’m not sure if I broke up with her, or she broke up with me, but we are no longer together.  I hope we can get over our hurt feelings that we are feeling right now.  My emotions are a bit raw right now, Lord.

I didn’t think we’d be together forever, but I thought we’d last longer than we did.  I’m grateful for the good times we had for a time, but lately, we were not having good times.  Mostly, we just argued or picked at each other verbally.

I guess this is for the best, Lord, but I pray for you to protect my heart while I am feeling down and vulnerable. Through Christ I pray, Amen.

Prayer For Finding a Girlfriend

Lord, is it okay to pray to you about finding a girlfriend?  I feel sort of awkward praying about this, but my pastor said I can pray to you about anything, so here goes.

I don’t really date much but I am a at a point where I’d like a girlfriend.  I would like to be in a relationship with someone and share my life with for right now.  I’m not ready for marriage or anything, but I feel like I would be a better person if I were in a stable relationship with someone else.

And really, Lord, I’m also lonely, which is why I’m praying.  I don’t think I can make a good decision on my own. I need to you to help me encounter good people.  I need your help, God.  Will you help me?  I pray this prayer in the belief that you hear me through Christ, Amen.

Prayer For Finding a Girlfriend as a Teenager

God, I’m starting high school in a month and I really want to have a girlfriend soon.  Most of my friends have girlfriends and I feel like I should have one too.  I don’t want to be left out or made fun of in high school.

I had enough teasing when I was in middle school and I don’t want any of that in high school.  I don’t know how to talk to girls much so I’m praying to you, hoping you will help me figure this out.  I feel like if it’s important enough for me to pray to you about, then it’s important.

I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Prayer For Finding a Girlfriend as a College Student

Dear God, as I go to college, I go without a girlfriend, but I also go ready for one.  I’d like to shed some of the baggage from high school when I encounter a girl at college.  I pray that you help me find someone I can get along with.

I’m ready to start growing into a maturing person so I ask for your help.  College has all of these new challenges and opportunities.  I’d like the opportunity to begin a new relationship with someone who is not from my hometown or high school, someone who knows nothing about me and can accept me.

I pray for your guidance and patience.  In the name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.

Prayer For Finding a Girlfriend as a Single Adult

God, I think it’s time.  I think I am ready for a girlfriend.  I think I am ready to enter into a relationship that could be long term.  I’d like for it to be long term, leading to marriage.  I pray for your direction and clarity as I “put myself out there.”

My friends are already trying to help me, setting me up with people they know.  I appreciate all of the assistance, but ultimately I place my trust in you.  God, please help me to find a girlfriend.  I pray that I open myself to your Spirit as you shape me to be a solid long-term partner.  I ask for all of these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Prayer For Finding a Girlfriend as a Widower

Dear God in heaven, I have been a widower for three years now.  I dearly loved my wife when she was living, and there will always be a part of me that will always love her.  But she has been gone for quite some time.  I feel like I have grieved her fully and established some emotional stability into my life.

I still have plenty of life to live and I don’t want to do it alone.  I have no idea who to use dating apps and no interest in doing so.  I don’t want to “pick up” someone.  Basically, Lord, I don’t really know how to find a girlfriend in this day and age.  I’ve been out of the dating game for a couple decades, so I’m lost.

I’m praying to you because I know I need help, and I know I don’t want to be alone any longer.  I’m ready to be in a relationship with a new woman.  Bless her, my wife even told me that if there came a time when I wanted to be in a relationship, it was okay with her.  I think she knew I’d get lonely.

God, I ask you for guidance and wisdom, and some basic common sense in all of this.  I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Prayer For Being Okay Without a Girlfriend

Dear Jesus, I come to you in prayer because no one else really understands, it doesn’t seem like.  I don’t have a girlfriend at the moment and I’m okay with that.  Almost all of my friends are in relationships of some sort or another.  If we ever go out, I am always the third wheel.

I think it makes my friends nervous or anxious or just awkward because they are sitting with their girlfriend at a restaurant, for example, and I’m just sitting by myself across from them.  It’s like they don’t know what to talk about because they think I’ll feel weird if they talk about how their relationship is going.

What they don’t seem to understand, Lord, is that I’m fine with not having a girlfriend.  I’m okay with not being in a relationship.  I’m okay with being alone.  I’m not lonely.  I don’t want a relationship.  My last girlfriend dumped me and it was brutal.

I’m still emotionally wounded from that so I don’t want to jump into a new relationship with that baggage.  Help me to heal and help my friends to understand that I don’t want or need a girlfriend and they can be okay with it.  I’m okay with it, why can’t they be at ease?

Help me explain this to my friends, and help them to grasp what I’m telling them.  I pray this in the name of Lord God, Amen.

Prayer For Enjoying Relationship With a Girlfriend

God, I want to thank you for my girlfriend.  We have been together for six months now and I am enjoying our times together so much!

I know it had to be you that brought us together, because we don’t normally hang out in the same circle of friends.  We met out of the blue at the gas station.  We struck up a conversation and immediately hit it off.  We even laughed about how we had seen each other here and there but never really knew each other.  Good thing I was low on gas!

I am praying to you because I am grateful for her and our relationship.  She makes me a better person, and I want to be better for her.  I don’t know if she is “the one” that I’d marry or anything, but I am thankful for what we have right now, in this season of my life.  I pray that you enable us to grow together as we move ahead.  May you guide us and strengthen us in you!  I pray this in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Final Thoughts

Your relationship with your girlfriend will likely be better if you center your relationship through God. If you start with God, she may even turn out to be your future wife.  May the encouragement from Scripture bolster you, and strengthen your prayers:

I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all” (Ephesians 4.1-6, NIV).

Perhaps you can work up to not only pray for a girlfriend, but to pray with your girlfriend.  Pray with your girlfriend and she may one day be your wife. May God bless you, your girlfriend, and your relationship!