6 Helpful Prayers for PTA Meetings

Last Updated on October 19, 2023 by Emma

PTA Meetings are a great way to keep in communication with others about school events and programs. 

To ensure the meeting goes smoothly it’s great to have some prayers planned out to set the focus on Christ and how He will guide the school board throughout the year. 

In the post there will be various options for prayer such as: opening prayer, prayer for the staff members, parents, and students. 

At the end of the post there will be an opportunity to leave a comment with your own prayer requests in regards to PTA meetings. 

It could be helpful to your brothers and sisters in Christ to see specific prayers. 

Prayer For The Start Of The PTA Meeting


You are so good to us. You have blessed us with a building for our children to learn and grow in.

You have blessed us with an amazing staff and faculty team that is dedicated to our students.

You have blessed us with devoted parents in the community that care about their children’s education and school experience. 

I pray that You will guide us through this PTA meeting and help us to be as productive as possible. I pray that our topics would be pleasing to You.

I pray that all of our goals for our upcoming school year would be centered around helping our students grow in their knowledge of You above all else. 

I pray for Your wisdom and Your grace as we navigate extracurricular activities, school curriculum, financial needs and any other topic we are moved to discuss. 

I pray that You would equip us with what we need to continue to educate these children and provide for the community. 

In Jesus Name


Prayer For A Positive Discussion About The School Year


Thank You for the opportunity of another school year filled with curriculum and activities for the students.

I pray that through the planning and the preparation that You would make Your presence known to the teachers and faculty members  and to the students.

I pray for You to prepare the teachers and staff emotionally, physically, spiritually, and even financially for their upcoming year.

I pray for you to open students’ hearts to learning about You and give them a desire to know You. 

I pray for You to give parents grace and love through the school year as they juggle all the different things as a parent.

I pray for Your grace and wisdom for the teachers and staff members as they commit to teaching young minds this year. 

I pray for protection over the students, staff, and parents throughout this year. 

I pray that You keep them safe physically but that You will also protect their hearts and minds this coming school year. 

In Jesus Name


Prayer For PTA Staff Members and Teachers


Thank You for the committed staff members You have provided for this school. 

I pray that You would speak into their hearts every morning and they would let Your light shine through them to the students.

I pray that You would protect them not just during school hours, but all hours of the day.

I pray You would give them wisdom and guidance as they set forth to teach their students.

I pray that You would show them grace that they can replicate in their classrooms and to their colleagues. 

I pray that they will be dedicated and devoted to teaching and loving these students every day this year. 

I pray that the teachers and faculty members would stand for truth and love and that they would take their commitment to You and to the students seriously. 

In Jesus Name


Prayer for Parents Attending The PTA Meeting


Thank You for providing parents that are committed to their children and raising them up in the way they should go.

I pray for Your protection over these parents as they devote themselves to their children.

I pray for Your wisdom and guidance and that they would seek You above all things. 

I pray You would show them grace and compassion that they can model to their children in their day to day life. 

I pray that You would equip them in every circumstance and that they would keep their eyes on You throughout the busy times of the year.

I pray for Your blessings over them in all situations and that You would meet every need they have.

In Jesus Name


Prayer for Students At The PTA Meeting


Thank You for all these beautiful children You have created. I know You see children and precious and I pray that we would all see them as You do.

I pray for Your protection over these students throughout their school year. I pray that You would surround them with love and grace in every situation they find themselves in.

I pray that You would give them wisdom and discernment to make healthy decisions. 

I pray that they would stand for truth even if their peers do not. I pray that You would give them a hunger to learn, especially to learn about You.

I pray that You would feed the curiosity of each child and that they would have a deep desire to grow their relationship with You more and more.

I pray that You would equip them for their school year and that they would look to You in times of need.

I pray that You would surround them with grace and joy that they would exhibit to their peers. 

I pray they would respect those in authority above them and that they would be reminded that You have put these adults in place for a reason. 

I pray that they would not let their youth get in the way of building Your kingdom and that they would be encouraged to know You use people of all ages to grow Your Kingdom. 


Prayer For The End Of The PTA Meeting


Thank You for the opportunity for us to gather for this PTA meeting. I pray that every person will leave here with a better understanding of the school boards goals and decisions.

I pray that You would keep all those who are traveling safe and that You would continue to keep them safe throughout this year. 

I pray that You would give us all peace and that any stress would be lifted away from us. 

I pray that we would all stay focused on You and what You would have us do  and that we would not be stuck on the rigidness of a schedule or curriculum. 

I pray that You would bless our school, our staff members, our parents, and our students. 

Please give us the tools and materials we need to complete our goals and to ultimately glorify You.

I pray that You would motivate each one of us to do the work You have set before us and that we would all be committed to these students and to You. 

In Jesus Name


Closing Thoughts

There are many different topics to discuss at a PTA meeting and it can be a bit overwhelming. The same is true for school board meetings or any event that combines school and community members. 

There are also plenty of things to juggle while preparing for a PTA meeting such as parent concerns, addressing financial situations in the school, discussing the school curriculum and of course grades. 

Keeping your focus on prayer and surrender to Christ will help keep things in perspective that He will guide us all in our lives. 

At the bottom of the post, there is an option to leave a comment of your own. It’s a great way to leave prayer requests in relation to PTA or school board meetings. 

There is no problem too small or too big for Christ because He cares so deeply about every detail of our lives. 

Let your brothers and sisters in Christ know the more specific ways they can be praying for these types of meetings and situations.