8 Triumphant Prayers For A Baseball Game

My son is 4 years old and started t-ball this summer. I’m one of his coaches and let me tell you, it’s been challenging corralling 12 4/5-year-olds out on the baseball field. It became evident early on that I was going to need to pray for myself, the other coaches, our players, and all others … Read more

4 Supportive Prayers For ADHD

Living with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can sometimes feel like navigating through a turbulent storm. The constant restlessness, impulsivity, and difficulty with focus can create a sense of chaos and frustration. However, in the midst of this storm, we can find peace and direction by placing our trust in the Lord. For you formed … Read more

10 Fierce Prayers For Boxing Matches

When I think of boxing matches I think of sweat, blood, and pain. I don’t know much about boxing so it might not be as dangerous as I think it is. One thing I do know is that we should always pray for boxing matches! Boxing is known for its violence. If you or someone … Read more

4 Supportive Prayers For Autism

The journey of parenthood is often filled with joy, challenges, and unexpected twists. For my dear friend, whose son has autism, the path has been uniquely challenging. However, in the midst of these trials, there is an unwavering faith and a deep trust in God’s plan. God’s love and His Word can provide comfort, strength, … Read more

10 Prayers To Close A Funeral

Prayers To Close A Funeral

Prayer is a powerful tool that can be used to comfort and uplift those who are grieving. When praying to close a funeral, it is important to be mindful of the different needs of those who are gathered. If you’ve never prayed in public before, it can be intimidating the first time you do (or … Read more

5 Strong Prayers For Self-Esteem

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In a world that often measures worth by external standards, it is easy to lose sight of our true value. We compare ourselves to others, strive for perfection, and seek validation from the world around us. Yet, as children of God, our self-esteem should find its foundation in a deeper truth – the unwavering love … Read more

11 Heartwarming Prayers For A Baby Shower

When we gather to celebrate the imminent arrival of a precious little one, we are reminded of the extraordinary gift of life and the unchanging love that surrounds this joyful event. A baby shower is not only a time for gifts and games but also a beautiful reminder of God’s unending grace and His plan … Read more

6 Tender Prayers For PTSD

Life’s journey often leads us through valleys of pain and suffering, leaving us with wounds that are not easily seen. PTSD is an emotional and mental battle that can emerge from traumatic events, causing us to relive the past and carry heavy burdens within us. During these times of turmoil, we may feel isolated, unable … Read more