8 Emboldening Prayers for Blessing a New Business

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Beginning a new business is stressful and time consuming. It really takes a leap of faith to go out on your own, not really knowing what will happen next. Thankfully we have our faith in God to get us through earthly leaps of faith with ease. God wants to be a part of everything we … Read more

7 Empowering Prayers for Employees Before Work

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Headed to work and need to pray?  Want to start your work day with prayer? Your job consumes much of your time each day and each week.  How you approach your work day or your shift goes a long way in determining what kind of day you will have.  Wouldn’t it be a positive step … Read more

5 Prayers for New Customers and Sales

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Does your business need sales success?  Are you looking for new customers?  Want a prayer for increasing profit? When you have a business of your own, whether you are the founder and owner, or the manager, you are always on the lookout for ways to increase your sales volume.  Depending on the type of company … Read more

5 Caring Prayers For a Co-Worker Leaving

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Is a co-worker leaving?  Need a prayer for your co-worker who is departing? In the last year or two, many employees have left their current jobs  for a variety of reasons.  Maybe the person you work with at your job is one of those people.  Many employees leave for a better job or increased pay … Read more

4 Caring Prayers For Your Boss or Supervisor

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Would you like to pray for your boss but are not sure where to start?  Does your supervisor need prayers right now? Relationships with the people who supervise us at work are hopefully harmonious and respectful and supportive.  Sometimes they are not and can be contentious, stressful or even unfair. Whether your interactions with your … Read more

8 Encouraging Prayers For Starting A New Job

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Congratulations on beginning a new job!  Would you like to thank God for this blessing in your life? As a person who has started a new job several times in my life, I encourage you to focus on what you’re doing in your workplace, and not worry about comparing yourself to anyone else–even as the … Read more

7 Helpful Prayers For My Son To Find A Job

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Is your son looking for a job?  Searching for how to pray for your son’s job journey? While you are praying for your son and his job search, you may also want to share this encouraging truth that the Apostle Paul wrote in scripture: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as … Read more

5 Trusting Prayers To Find A New Job

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Finding a new job can be stressful but it can also be a time that helps us to grow in godliness. God is so faithful and if we allow Him to work in our lives during this season He will be good to help us.  As you seek to find a new job you may … Read more

6 Earnest Prayers For A Wife To Find A Job

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Whether you are switching from one job to another, or looking for a new job after some time out of the business workforce, finding a job can be a challenging experience. It’s important to keep the peace of God within you as you fill out online applications and search for the right position. “Do not … Read more

7 Caring Prayers For A Daughter To Find Work

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Do you have a daughter looking for a job? Would you like a prayer to pray for your daughter to find a job? Have you considered praying for your daughter’s job search?  I encourage you to read through these seven caring prayers for a daughter to find work and see which one works for you … Read more