6 Calming Prayers For Mom Having Surgery

The hardest news we may ever receive is that your mom isn’t well and needs surgery. Moms have a special place in our hearts. How do you pray about your mom’s surgery when it seems like you are at a loss for words? We are so sorry that you must go through this event in … Read more

6 Healing Prayers for Epilepsy

When I was in junior high I was made fun of for spacing out all the time. I would be talking and just forget what I was talking about. Reading aloud in class was a nightmare since I didn’t always know whether or not I finished a sentence. Then I met my new band director … Read more

11 Caring Prayers For Someone in a Coma

Do you know of someone in a coma and want to pray for them? Let one of these eleven caring prayers be of comfort to you as you pray for the one you love.  You can change the wording of any prayer to better suit your specific circumstances.  May the depth of care for the … Read more

6 Calming Prayers For The Safe Delivery Of A Baby

Billions of babies have been born all throughout history and all across the world. This does not diminish the great joy and present fear of childbirth. Each experience is unique and beautiful and scary and miraculous in its own way. No doubt, many mothers have mouthed their own hasty prayers as they fulfill their calling … Read more

11 Calming Prayers for My Sister Having Surgery

Calming Prayers for My Sister Having Surgery

Prayer is more than just sending “good vibes” your sister’s way. But prayer, with the support of Scripture, can fix our hearts and attitudes on Christ. A positive and joyful mindset in prayer can override the tendency to simply pray out of fear of anxiety.  “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit … Read more

7 Thoughtful Prayers for Healing Skin

My sister always gets on me about putting on sunscreen in the summer. She pesters me to keep reapplying because she doesn’t want me to get sunburned or get skin damage or cancer later on in life. Many people suffer from a variety of skin conditions, some severe and some not, but it’s always great … Read more

9 Healing Prayers for Breast Cancer

My mom went in for an annual mammogram recently and they found a mass. She had to have an ultrasound and additional testing and was awaiting the results. Her mass came back malignant and she does, in fact, have breast cancer. Our first response: prayer. It is crucial to pray for those with breast cancer! … Read more

6 Healing Prayers For Your Aunt

Does your aunt need healing? We are glad you have chosen to pray to God, the creator of all, the one who can heal, and the one who cares deeply for you and your aunt. I just found out that my aunt will need both knees replaced. The healing process will take months after the … Read more

8 Powerful Prayers for Heart Surgery

Like Jesus, we all carry our own crosses. Some people have heart complications as one of their crosses to bear. Heart complications are especially concerning since it’s such an important and central part of the body. If you or someone you love is having heart surgery it is vital to pray for them! It’s hard … Read more

7 Calming Prayers for a Good Mammogram

When my mom went in for her annual mammogram this year I didn’t even think to pray for good results. I just assumed, like any other year, it would come back clear and life would go on. However, this year, they found a mass. She had an ultrasound and additional testing and was diagnosed with … Read more