5 Strengthening Prayers For Tiredness

Does it seem like life is always pulling you from one thing to the next? Even when we sit and pray our minds can be relentless as they move from one thought to the next. It can be so tiresome. If you are tired, you are not alone.  As Christians we daily face a world … Read more

6 Healing Prayers for a Headache to Go Away

I get a raging headache when I don’t have a cup of coffee. If there was ever a question about whether I’m addicted to coffee, the answer is a loud YES. Not everyone gets caffeine withdrawal headaches, but if you find yourself with a headache for any reason you can always pray for your headache … Read more

6 Gentle Prayers for Back Pain

After three pregnancies in 3.5 years, I quickly found myself very familiar with constant back pain. People get back pain for all different reasons, but it is always important to pray to ask God to heal you of your back pain! Our God is a healing God and He shows us over and over again … Read more

6 Restorative Prayers For Lung Cancer

My grandfather smoked a pipe for the better part of 50 years. He abruptly quit 5 years ago when his doctor found a spot on his lung. Luckily, he did not have lung cancer, but most heavy smokers, including his wifand e, my grandma, were not that lucky. Unfortunately, my grandma passed away from cancer, … Read more

6 Healing Prayers for Clear Skin

Physical appearance can be a sore subject, especially for women. Junior high and high school are particularly difficult times for teens. The social pressures of looking a certain way and battling acne are all a recipe for anxiety and destructive thoughts. No matter how silly it seems, it’s okay to pray for clear skin. Social … Read more

6 Caring Prayers About Hip Replacement

Do you need prayers for an upcoming hip replacement?  Have you been at a loss for words when it comes to praying about your hip replacement? You’ve clicked or scrolled to the right place!  These six caring prayers about a hip replacement will help give voice to your concerns as you pray to God.  We … Read more

8 Trusting Prayers for Neck Surgery

If I sleep on my pillow wrong I have a crick in my neck for days. Even this little pain can drive me crazy. Some people, however, have such severe neck pain due to pinched nerves or disk location that they need surgery. If you or someone you love is having neck surgery it is … Read more

7 Strengthening Prayers for Liver Cancer

Getting a liver cancer diagnosis is extremely devastating. Cancer is a vicious disease. Luckily, as Christians, we can take comfort in knowing that we are not alone in this fight. The Lord is our strength, walking with us each step of the way. You also can take comfort in knowing that other believers are praying … Read more

7 Peaceful Prayers for Colon Cancer

My grandpa beat colon cancer 21 years ago. He was cancer free for 8 years before it came back and took his life. It’s kind of unbelievable how many people in my family have had cancer. Unfortunately, I don’t think I’m alone here. For those in the thick of fighting colon cancer, you can take … Read more