6 Tender Prayers For Elderly Parents

No one on earth is like our parents. If your parents are still living, you know that each year they get older.  At some point, they will need additional care. We may wish our parents would always be young and healthy, but the reality is that our parents will age. As they do, you may … Read more

10 Caring Prayers For A Niece

Caring Prayers For A Niece

As an uncle who is married, I have half a dozen nephews and nieces on both sides of our family.  I love my nieces and have even had the honor of officiating at three of their weddings–what a joy! They are not my own children which gives me, as an uncle and my wife as … Read more

14 Loving Prayers For A Sister

Are you searching for prayers you can pray for your sister?  Do you want to pray for your sister’s situation, but you are not sure where to start? We offer these 14 loving prayers for a sister to you to use.  Although we may not have covered every possible scenario, any of these prayers can … Read more

14 Loving Prayers For a Brother

Do you need to pray about your brother?  Is your brother facing a tough situation and needs you to pray for him? If you have other family members you want to pray for, we invite you to look around on this site. You can also pray for your sister, your niece, your cousin, or even … Read more

6 Powerful Prayers For Your Son In The Military

Your son is in the military. You must be overwhelmed with emotions when you think about this truth. As it sinks in and becomes a reality we are so glad that you are turning to God. He cares about your son and your concerns. We are so thankful for his service and are honored that … Read more

7 Loving Prayers for a Granddaughter

Loving Prayers for a Granddaughter

I never knew the importance of a granddaughter/grandmother relationship until mine passed away. I wish I had asked her more questions and been more attentive to the stories she told. Although I didn’t understand the importance of this relationship I know she did. She was a wonderful grandmother who was always praying for her granddaughters. … Read more

7 Heartfelt Prayers For Your Grandmother

Grandma, Gran, Grammy, Oma, GiGi, Abuela, Nana, or whatever you call your grandmother, they are important people in our lives. There are many prayers we can be praying for our grandmothers.  For me, I am blessed to have both my grandmas still living. I experienced a relationship with them as a young girl and now … Read more

8 Tender Prayers For Your Sister-In-Law

Do you have a sister-in-law you want to pray for, but are not sure where to begin? You have clicked through to this site and you are welcome here.  While you are here to discover how to pray for your sister-in-law, you can also find prayers for your brother, sister, or grandmother. My sister-in-law is … Read more