6 Encouraging Prayers To Be A Better Mother

St. Therese of Lisieux once said, “The loveliest masterpiece of the heart of God is the heart of a mother.” It’s a beautiful, but convicting statement. The Lord intricately designed my heart, yet sometimes mine is filled with resentment, rage, and irritation. I have to continuously pray for myself and others to be better mothers. … Read more

5 Loving Prayers For My Husband In The Military

It’s been almost twenty years since I said, “I do” to the love of my life and a world which I knew nothing about that would send me far from home and bring me to my knees crying out to God for comfort. Every military wife I know- and I’m blessed to know many at … Read more

5 Supportive Prayers For Adoption

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Children are such wonderful blessings, aren’t they? While motherhood can certainly be exhausting, it has been my absolute joy to watch my children grow and to teach and lead them towards Christ. Each one of my children is a gift, and I cannot imagine a life without them. But I also know that I can … Read more

10 Caring Prayers For Son In Trouble

As parents, our hearts overflow with concerns and worries for our sons, desiring their well-being and success on their journey through life. We understand the challenges they face may seem overwhelming and beyond our abilities. Yet, we are not alone in this journey. We have a God who is all-knowing and ever-present, ready to guide … Read more

6 Strong Prayers For Being A Better Father

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Are you striving to be a better father?  Have you considered praying about becoming a better dad? As a Christian father, you have a unique opportunity to model the love and grace of God to your children. The Bible is full of examples of godly fathers, and it can provide you with guidance and inspiration … Read more

6 Endearing Prayers For An Uncle

Prayers For An Uncle

Since the uncles in my kid’s lives are not believers, we pray fervently that they will desire to have a change of heart. We focus on being witnesses of God’s love and power when we are in their presence, but we also cling to Scripture. Some of our favorites are: “Do not conform to the … Read more

5 Supportive Prayers For My Boyfriend In The Military

As I reflect on the journey of love and sacrifice, my heart overflows with gratitude for the cherished memories of when my husband, a soldier, and I were dating. Those were the days filled with uncertainty, separation, and a deep longing to be in each other’s arms. Yet, they were also marked by an unbreakable … Read more

6 Tender Prayers For Your Nephew

One of my biggest desires is that I will one day have a nephew (or niece)! My kids are the only grandchildren on both sides of our families so I have yet to experience the joy of being an aunt. I know that if I do get that opportunity, I will fervently pray for my … Read more

6 Hopeful Prayers For Mom In Heaven

Has your mom passed away and you want to pray for her? Are you looking for how to pray for your mother in heaven? Please accept our condolences for the passing of your mother, whether it was in the past or recently. Know that there are resources for grief that be helpful to you if … Read more

6 Hopeful Prayers For Dad In Heaven

Are you looking for how to pray for your father in heaven? Has your dad passed away and you want to pray for him? Please accept our condolences for the passing of your father, whether it just recently happened, or was in the past. Be aware that there are resources for grief that be helpful … Read more