12 Caring Prayers About Alzheimer’s And Dementia


Do you know someone with dementia and want to pray for them? The 12 caring prayers about Alzheimer’s and dementia found below are written to help you pray about these devastating memory diseases.  You can modify any of the prayers to suit your prayer needs more specifically. Although they both involve memory, Alzheimer’s disease and … Read more

8 Hopeful Prayers For My Child With ADHD

Does your child have ADHD?  Would you like to pray for your child but need some help to get started? We invite you to use these eight hopeful prayers for children with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). Each prayer touches on a certain circumstance that a parent of a child with ADHD may come up … Read more

13 Strong Prayers For Confidence

Do you need a boost in confidence?  Are you wondering if you can pray about having more confidence in yourself? Regardless of how much assurance we may have at any one time, there will be many instances where we could all use more confidence or certainty. Maybe you are facing a situation you haven’t faced … Read more

4 Supportive Prayers For ADHD

Living with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can sometimes feel like navigating through a turbulent storm. The constant restlessness, impulsivity, and difficulty with focus can create a sense of chaos and frustration. However, in the midst of this storm, we can find peace and direction by placing our trust in the Lord. For you formed … Read more

4 Supportive Prayers For Autism

The journey of parenthood is often filled with joy, challenges, and unexpected twists. For my dear friend, whose son has autism, the path has been uniquely challenging. However, in the midst of these trials, there is an unwavering faith and a deep trust in God’s plan. God’s love and His Word can provide comfort, strength, … Read more

5 Strong Prayers For Self-Esteem

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In a world that often measures worth by external standards, it is easy to lose sight of our true value. We compare ourselves to others, strive for perfection, and seek validation from the world around us. Yet, as children of God, our self-esteem should find its foundation in a deeper truth – the unwavering love … Read more

6 Tender Prayers For PTSD

Life’s journey often leads us through valleys of pain and suffering, leaving us with wounds that are not easily seen. PTSD is an emotional and mental battle that can emerge from traumatic events, causing us to relive the past and carry heavy burdens within us. During these times of turmoil, we may feel isolated, unable … Read more

7 Peaceful Prayers For Intrusive Thoughts

Intrusive thoughts are like unwelcome guests, entering our minds uninvited and causing anxiety, fear, and distress. These persistent thoughts can be overwhelming, leaving us feeling helpless and burdened. However, as we navigate this struggle, there is hope in turning to God’s word and finding solace in His promises. Do not be anxious about anything, but … Read more

7 Soothing Prayers For Social Anxiety

In a world filled with constant social interactions and expectations, many of us experience the weight of social anxiety. The fear of judgment and rejection can cripple us, isolating us from the relationships and experiences that bring true joy and fulfillment. However, as we delve into God’s word, we find comfort and guidance to overcome … Read more

12 Tender Prayers For Loneliness

Loneliness can be a challenging emotion to confront. It sneaks into our hearts like an unwelcome guest, leaving us feeling isolated and desolate. As someone who has wrestled with loneliness, I understand the yearning for companionship and comfort. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your … Read more