6 Soft Prayers For Appendicitis

Appendicitis can be both scary and very painful. When I was around ten years old, my oldest brother had appendicitis. As a child, I was frightened when I saw the flashing blue and red lights of an ambulance outside my bedroom window. I remember rushing down the stairs to see my brother, who looked pale … Read more

12 Loving Prayers For Sister-In-Law Having Surgery

Me and my sister-in-law have a strong and special bond. Both of us have grown to depend on one another. We have been through good and not-so-good times. We’ve shared exciting news, unpleasant news, and even secrets with each other. In a way, my sister-in-law has been like my personal diary. This close relationship causes … Read more

7 Gentle Prayers For Tonsil Surgery

Growing up I always got told at doctor’s appointments that my tonsils were big. I had sore throats regularly, but not enough to justify getting my tonsils taken out. Luckily, I was spared from surgery, but we should pray for all who will have tonsil surgery! Often when I think of tonsil surgery I think … Read more

6 Tender Prayers For Miscarriage

I want you to know that I see you, and I grieve alongside you for the precious lives lost too soon. The pain of a miscarriage runs deep, touching the depths of your heart and leaving an indelible mark on your soul. In the midst of this sorrow, I want to remind you that God, … Read more

10 Patient Prayers For Gums And Teeth

Have you ever experienced the discomfort and pain of gum and teeth problems? It can be an agonizing experience that affects our daily lives and leaves us longing for relief. Thankfully, as believers, we can find solace in the promises of God, who is not only interested in our spiritual well-being but also cares for … Read more

9 Comforting Prayers For Pain

I recently underwent foot surgery to address a chronic condition that had been causing intense pain and hindering my mobility. The decision to proceed with the surgery was not an easy one, as fear and uncertainty clouded my mind. However, deep within my heart, I knew that I needed to trust God’s guidance and rely … Read more

9 Trusting Prayers For Surgery

Surgery can be very scary. We are glad you seeking God through prayer during this time.  Prayer is a powerful thing that we are allowed, encouraged, and even expected to do. Jesus often said “When you prayer” knowing that if we are Christians we will have the desire to pray.  When Jesus taught us to … Read more

7 Calming Prayers For Breathing Problems

In the midst of life’s busyness, it’s easy to take our breath for granted. Yet, for those who face the challenges of breathing problems, every breath can be a reminder of limitations and struggles. Breathing is a gift, an unspoken miracle that fills our lungs with life-giving oxygen. But what about when each breath becomes … Read more

5 Hopeful Prayers For Good News From Your Doctor

We’ve all been there; waiting and worrying about what our doctors may tell us. Sometimes the news is small such as flu test results, but sometimes the news we are waiting for is life-altering and the waiting can seem almost unbearable.   In the seasons of waiting, when my heart is filled with anticipation and … Read more

6 Hopeful Prayers For Brain Surgery

Facing brain surgery and scared to death? Want to pray about your brain surgery but don’t have the words for it? I know you you feel, I truly do, because I’ve been there. I had brain surgery a few years ago A tumor had been growing in the back part of my brain for 10-15 … Read more