7 Gentle Prayers for Eating Disorders

After running competitively for 10 years I’m no stranger to the world of eating disorders. They are vicious illnesses that overtake the minds and bodies of wonderful people who believe they aren’t enough in the body God has given them. Let us all pray for those who are suffering from eating disorders. In Division 1 … Read more

10 Supportive Prayers For A Football Game

Do you need to pray before an upcoming football game?  Feel like praying before you play a football game? When we ourselves, or perhaps our children, engage in competitive sports, we can easily get drawn into the urge to pray to God so “we can win!” But, we will do better in our prayer journey … Read more

12 Caring Prayers About Alzheimer’s And Dementia


Do you know someone with dementia and want to pray for them? The 12 caring prayers about Alzheimer’s and dementia found below are written to help you pray about these devastating memory diseases.  You can modify any of the prayers to suit your prayer needs more specifically. Although they both involve memory, Alzheimer’s disease and … Read more

10 Bold Prayers For A Basketball Game

Do you need to pray before you play a basketball game? Have you been asked to pray for an upcoming basketball game?  Everybody who competes in a sport likes to win, of course.  So, when we ourselves, or perhaps our children, engage in competitive sports, we can easily get drawn into the urge to pray … Read more

8 Hopeful Prayers For My Child With ADHD

Does your child have ADHD?  Would you like to pray for your child but need some help to get started? We invite you to use these eight hopeful prayers for children with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). Each prayer touches on a certain circumstance that a parent of a child with ADHD may come up … Read more

8 Honest Prayers For The Economy

Are you concerned about the economy? Do you want to pray about the nation’s economy, but aren’t sure where to start? It’s easy to place blame on the economy depending on what political party is in power or who the President is, but over time, the economy has ebbed and flowed regardless of those factors, … Read more

6 Bold Prayers For A Hockey Game

Hockey is by far my favorite sport. From a young age, my father instilled in me how much more fun it was to watch than any other sport. The players are always moving and the puck moves even quicker. It’s fast, loud, and fun.  From a young age, I was at the rink watching my … Read more

13 Strong Prayers For Confidence

Do you need a boost in confidence?  Are you wondering if you can pray about having more confidence in yourself? Regardless of how much assurance we may have at any one time, there will be many instances where we could all use more confidence or certainty. Maybe you are facing a situation you haven’t faced … Read more