7 Peaceful Prayers For Intrusive Thoughts

Intrusive thoughts are like unwelcome guests, entering our minds uninvited and causing anxiety, fear, and distress. These persistent thoughts can be overwhelming, leaving us feeling helpless and burdened. However, as we navigate this struggle, there is hope in turning to God’s word and finding solace in His promises. Do not be anxious about anything, but … Read more

7 Soothing Prayers For Social Anxiety

In a world filled with constant social interactions and expectations, many of us experience the weight of social anxiety. The fear of judgment and rejection can cripple us, isolating us from the relationships and experiences that bring true joy and fulfillment. However, as we delve into God’s word, we find comfort and guidance to overcome … Read more

12 Tender Prayers For Loneliness

Loneliness can be a challenging emotion to confront. It sneaks into our hearts like an unwelcome guest, leaving us feeling isolated and desolate. As someone who has wrestled with loneliness, I understand the yearning for companionship and comfort. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your … Read more

Prayers For Financial Freedom

Prayers For Financial Freedom

Financial freedom seems to be a desired goal for many people. Praying for financial freedom is something that comes from my lips often.  The Bible speaks about money often. And it speaks about our freedom as well. So how do we pray for such a thing as financial freedom?  I am going to attempt to … Read more

12 Gentle Prayers For Pain Relief

I have spent the past year enduring physical pain that has prevented me from walking comfortably and finally culminated in surgery to remove a bone entirely to allow some pain relief. There have been days that I feel as though my body has become a battleground for an unseen enemy. Every breath is a challenge, … Read more

6 Bold Prayers For Financial Discipline

It is good to be disciplined in many areas of our lives including our finances. The Bible is clear that we should strive to be disciplined. In Titus, Paul writes about the qualifications of those who oversee God’s church. For an overseer, as God’s steward, must be above reproach. He must not be arrogant or quick-tempered … Read more