6 Helpful Prayers For Being Flexible And Adaptable

People of every age struggle on some level with change. As a young girl working at a nursing home, I recognized that even after a lifetime of dealing with change these older residents still struggled with it. So how do we become more flexible and adaptable? We must first start with prayer. It is important … Read more

14 Calming Prayers For Anxiety

Do you need to pray about your anxiety or worry?  Are you looking for prayers to calm your anxious thoughts? Let this scripture be a mindful focus for you, even in this moment.  Try saying it out loud a couple of times to reinforce its truth within you.  Your eyes will see it; your mouth … Read more

11 Generous Prayers for Financial Breakthroughs

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Financial breakthroughs, especially for me as a Christian, involve releasing the need for control. Managing our family’s finances used to be a significant challenge. Instead of entrusting our financial worries to God, I used to stress about the next paycheck, despite our diligent monthly budgeting. The unknowns were always a struggle. Upon deciding to contribute … Read more

8 Joyful Prayers for a Good Retreat

I was a campus minister on a college campus for 3.5 years so I’ve helped plan and attended my fair share of retreats. There is so much prep work that goes on for retreats that no one knows about, but the most important part is praying for a good retreat! What makes a good retreat? … Read more

6 Hopeful Prayers For Insomnia

It’s around 4 a.m. as I write this, so I think I can help you with prayers for your insomnia. If you’re reading this then you are having problems with not being able to go to sleep or stay asleep.  I, like you, am among the one in three adults who suffer from insomnia symptoms … Read more

9 Closing Prayers For School Events or Activities

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Are you searching for closing prayers for a school event?  Have you been asked to say a prayer to close a school activity and aren’t sure what to pray? Allow this website, and this article specifically, to be of help to you.  We’ve written nine closing prayers for a school event that you can choose … Read more

7 Helpful Prayers For A Wedding Shower

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Wedding showers are a great time to celebrate the upcoming commitment that two people will make to one another. They are usually filled with familiar faces, cakes, and presents. Sometimes even a game or two.    Freely you have received; freely give. (Matthew 10:08 NKJV) You have been asked to pray during this event and … Read more